Father's Day

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“Good morning, dad!” Danny says jumping on Seth’s bed..

Seth opens his eyes and turns to face Danny. He sees him already dressed.

“Good morning, Danny!”

“Happy Father’s Day!” Danny says hugging him.

“Thank you, Danny.” Seth responds with a smile.

“Dad, I made breakfast for you!” He says gesturing to the side table. “It’s toast with nutella and milk!”

He used the toaster by himself! At least nothing happened. “Thanks Danny; that’s why you’re my favorite son.”

“Dad, I’m your only son!”

“I know.” Seth responds with a smile. He’s just adorable and growing too fast.“Here Danny eat one of them.”

“Okay and the bread got a little too toasty.”

“It just means it’s more toasty. I’m sure I’ll like it.”

Seth takes a bite of the toast while Danny is anxiously waiting to see if he likes it.

“This is good, Danny. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“So what do you want to do today?”

“Dad, it’s your special day! What do you want to do?”

“Hmm, sleep.”

“Dad, you can’t sleep all day!”

“I thought you said it is my special day.”

“It is, but you can’t sleep all day. You have to do things like eat and play.”

“Hmm, so what would you suggest I play?”

“You can play chess or go to the park or go to adventureland!”

“Hmm, so you want to go to adventureland?”

“Yes, only if you want to dad. It is your day.”

“Okay, do you want to invite others?”

“Dad, it is your choice if you want to invite others.”

“Hmm, okay, well, I’ll go get ready. You can go watch TV or play while you wait and remember to not open the door.”

“I know dad.”


To Seth it feels like yesterday when he adopted Danny, then seeing Danny taking his first steps, and saying his first word. The funny thing about Danny’s first word was that it had been ice. Karla had given Danny a taste of ice cream the week before he pronounced it. He had seen her eating some and was trying to get to it. From that day, he wanted some every day. Seth was determined not to have his child addicted to ice cream or at least not have him eat it every day. The latter was what was achieved because Danny still loves ice cream. Checking out from memory lane, he finishes getting ready, and finds Danny in the living room watching cartoons.

“Danny, ready to go? We’ll go to adventureland, then come back home, and watch our movie.”

“Yes, dad.”

“Let’s go then.” Seth says picking Danny up.

“Dad, put me down!”

“Nope, you’re my little boy.”

“Dad, I’m not that little anymore.”

“You are.”

They are keeping the tradition of spending the day together during father’s day as they have done, since he had adopted Danny with the exception of having breakfast with Karla.


Thanks for reading :)!

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