3. Blink of an Eye

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Hey guys/gals, so the next chapter is below! Hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! I do like reading comments : ).

This chapter is dedicated to AmelinePatris for commenting and voting. If you haven't read her stories you should go and do so after reading this chapter : ). 


Indeed having Danny in his life dictated what Seth is able to do, but he wouldn't have it any other way.  There are sleepless nights, especially during the first two months trying to make sure he does everything little Danny needs and keeping up with his work. He and Karla are always tired, but always have a smile for baby Danny. He is turning out to be a very happy and curious baby.

In a blink of an eye the two months go by. Seth successfully completes the parenting class and is given full custody of Danny after the final requirement, an unannounced visit by social services, is met.  Of course, the judge will check up on them, just to make sure they are doing well. Seth couldn't be more ecstatic, especially adding the completion of his second year of college.

The summer brings more freedom in Seth's school and work schedule. He is taking online classes and working part-time, while Karla just works. It allows him to spend even more time with little Danny, who is growing fast.  Danny's hair is turning out be a curly red mess and his eyes a brilliant blue.


By the time Seth and Karla graduate from college Danny is a very curious toddler.  He has learned how to talk and is too independent for his age, but nonetheless he still clings to Seth and Karla at times. He loves running and throwing the ball around. Seth graduates as an elementary major while Karla graduates as a business major.  There isn't a more happy family than the three of them.


Two years later

Karla comes home from work with dinner from Seth's favorite restaurant. Her nervous, but happy demeanor alerts him that something has occurred.  They sit for dinner and conversation flows.  As always Danny talks animatedly about something that happened in school. Today, it is about a new student that had joined the class, Caleb.  Some of the other boys had tried bullying him, but he had stepped in and taken Caleb with his friends to play soccer.

After dinner, they all get ready for bedtime, and while aunt Karla reads Danny a story, Seth cleans the table.

Returning to the dining table to see if Seth needs help, he asks her to join him in the living room.  Taking a seat opposite Seth, Karla knows what he is about to ask her. They haven't known each other for so long not to know when something is going on with either of them.

"Just say it."

"What do you mean?" Karla replies trying to avoid the topic.

"Oh you know whatever you tried avoiding saying, since the minute you walked in," he pins her with his don't beat around the bush stare.

Ugh, why does he know me too well. It's not helping things right now. Taking a deep breath she tells him.

"Well, my boss called us to a meeting. He told us about a position that will open in California next month and that one of us is been promoted."

She got the promotion.

"He promoted me and gave me until the weekend to accept or deny the promotion."

"Congratulations Karla! I'm so proud of you."

"I don't know if I'm going to take it."

"What are you talking about? You have to take it! You've worked so hard. You deserve it."

"I can't...it's too far away."

"No, it's not. It's only about three states away."

"That's still too far...what about you and Danny?"

Seth acknowledges it with a smile.

"Daniel is my responsibility and you've been there for the both of us, since I adopted him. I don't want you putting your career on hold for us. Besides he's older and attending school. It's easier in a sense to take care of him now."

"I'll miss you both," Karla responds with glassy eyes. "He's like my son too."

"I know. We'll miss you too," Seth said while giving her a hug.

Moments later, playfully shoving her away Seth commands, "now go call your boss and say yes!"

"It's ten! He's going to be asleep!"

"No excuse, go call him!"

"Okay, okay, you're so pushy. I won't miss you," Karla says with a smile walking to her room.

                "YOU WILL!" I'll miss her, but we'll be fine. She'll have what she's worked so hard. It's going to be difficult, especially at the beginning not seeing her everyday. She is a sister to me and Danny's mother. 


Don't forget to let me know what you think.  And thank you for reading.

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