24. Nectarous

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Here we go!!! :) for what ya'll have been waiting for! A present to ya'll :) Enjoy the reading :)! And share your thoughts!!!


Feeling the sun rays, he stretches feeling the sheets against his body. It takes him a moment to remember how they spent his birthday night. A smile forms in his face as he feels a creeping blush with the memories. Opening his eyes, he doesn’t see nor does he hear Nathan in the room. He assumes then that he’s cooking by the smells drifting into the bedroom. He decides to get up and go explore. Snatching his briefs from the floor he walks down the hallway and turns finding himself in the living room. He sees everything is a different shade of blue. The walls are sky blue. It makes him smile because there is no doubt that Nate’s favorite color is blue like his are bright colors. He walks farther into the living room seeing photographs upon the mantel piece. Seth goes to all the photographs, they range from when Nate was a toddler to now, a grown man. He gasps stopping at one of the photographs, because the teenager reminds him of the teenager that handed him her baby boy. He can't believe that she would be her. It would make the world a smaller place than it already is. At that moment Nate walks into the living room having heard Seth’s gasp with their breakfast.

"What's wrong?" He asks Seth.

"Who is she?"

"My younger sister, Scarlett.”

Yes, I met her briefly, but then I didn’t really look at her.  I should have made the connection if it’s the same person. Seth thinks.

“Here, come here. Let’s sit and eat our breakfast.” Nate gestures as he walks to the coffee table to place the tray and takes a seat on the sofa.

Following him Seth tells him, “tell me more about her.”

“Okay, remember I told you she had been pregnant?”

“Yes, you briefly mentioned it.”

“She went through the pregnancy alone and it took a toll on her, but she has become optimistic through it all."

Seth can see how proud Nate is about his sister. He wonders what “took a toll on her” means besides the obvious of having a child and having to take care of him or her. He wonders if he should venture and ask if she has a family of her own, since she is younger than him and he hasn’t mentioned having any nephews.

“You didn’t mentioned what happened to the child, if she had the baby or not.

"It's not really my place to tell you, she---"

By this time both had their plates on their lap.

"you don't have to---"

"but I trust you. I trust you will keep it a secret. And I think she would trust you to know too. Remember what I told you about my parents?”

Seth nods.

“She got pregnant when she was sixteen as you know and hid it from everyone. I was too busy in college--it was my first year. I was enjoying my newfound independence and didn't go home much.  I should have known there was something going on with her though because she would rarely be home. And when I asked how she spent her time she would give me general answers. 'Busy with school' and our parents being workaholics didn't notice a thing. She went through the pregnancy alone.”

Seth can hear the guilt Nate carries for not being there for his sister.

“She had the baby in a hotel room with the help of a friend. After which she gave the baby to a stranger she came across at a grocery store. She regretted her action, but she couldn't do anything about it. She committed a crime and looking for her child would alert the authorities at the time. She has hired a private investigator though recently to see if he can find her baby, but we have very little to go on."

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