28. Static

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Here's the next part. Enjoy! :) 


“How did meeting your grandparents go Danny?” Karla asks.

“I like them. They’re nice.”

“How are they like?”

“My grandma owns a bakery! My grandpa works as a science professor. They said they would visit next time instead of us going to where they live.”

“They sound like hard working people, so what did ya’ll do when you visited them?”

“We went to the beach and swam and built a castle almost as tall as me! Grandma took photos. She said she would share them with my dad, so he can show them to you.”

“Sounds like fun.” Karla responds with a smile. Always as enthusiastic as ever and welcoming to people.

“Danny you have to say goodnight. It’s bedtime for you. You have school tomorrow.” Seth says coming into the living room.

“Okay, dad. Goodnight aunt Karla. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Goodnight Danny and sweet dreams.” Karla says blowing Danny a kiss.

They had been talking through Skype for the last hour.

“Go ahead Danny. I’ll go check on you in a few minutes.”


“You want to wait for me while I put Danny to bed?”

“Yes, I’ll wait.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

Standing by the door, Seth sees Danny in the restroom brushing his teeth. It seems it was only yesterday that I had to help him brush his teeth. He’s grown so much.

“Danny what do you think of Nate?”

“I really like him.”

“Would it be okay if he spent the night sometimes?”

“Yes, dad. I like spending time with both of you. You smile more too.” Danny responds giving him a smile.

“Thank you Danny.” Seth says giving him a hug and a kiss. “Goodnight and sweet dreams, my baby.”

“Dad, I’m not your baby anymore.”

“I know.”

“But I guess, you can still call me my baby.” Danny finishes saying.

“And that’s why you’re my favorite son.”

“Dad, I’m your only son.”

“I know.”

“And that’s why you're my favorite dad.”

“Danny, I’m your only dad.”

“I know, dad.” Danny smiles. “Goodnight dad. Don’t forget about aunt Karla.”

“I haven’t. See you tomorrow morning.” Seth says walking towards the door.

He turns off the light and heads back to the living room. Sitting down, he restarts the conversation with Karla.

“How are things going for you, Karla?”

“They’re going great. And it’s great that Danny loves his grandparents.”

“Yes, it went really smoothly. I never should worry with him though I do.”

“Yes, he’s a very accepting thanks to you.”

Colorful TwistsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora