16. Sweet Flavors

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To all of my readers, here it is! Let me know what you think. Thank you all for reading and for the patience of waiting for my uploads. Hope you like it.


They have been drifting closer together unconsciously. Both keep stealing glances at each other. Both of their thoughts keep drifting to forbidden places, which would be welcome if only one of them would take the initiative. They are now eating dessert and are staring at the setting sun. The colors now blending creating shadows. They start whispering like if they don’t want to disturb the peacefulness they feel sitting in the candle light.

“You’ve never talked about your parents...you don’t have to tell me why if you don’t want to.” Nate states.

“You don’t either.” Seth replies.

“Touche. I just don’t have anything to say about them. They basically disinherited my sister when they eventually found out she had been pregnant. I took her side, so they did the same to me. I never thought they would do such a thing because of how caring they had been as we grew up. They even moved out. That house you saw it now belongs to another family, but I grew up in it.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“There’s nothing you have to be sorry about and besides they might have done the same when they found out I am gay. ” Nate smiles.

What?! Did I hear right? Seth questions.

“I figured it out that year in college. I was never really interested in anyone before until then. My parents didn’t wonder because they wanted us to focus on our education. They thought dating would distract us.”

“Where is your sister? I remember you quickly introduced us at the party, but to be honest I didn’t even have a chance to really see her.”

“Yes, I know you were kept busy. She’s in college. She’s doing a lot better. Now, your turn.”

“Hmm, well, I don’t know...my mom gave me up for adoption and that’s all I know.”

“Oh, have you gone in search of her or your dad.”

“I’ve wanted to, but I haven’t taken the step besides learning how I got into the system. I was told she left her information in case some day I want to learn who she is.”

“It sounds from that she would like to have some type of relationship with you even though she gave you up for adoption.”

“Yeah, but there’s still that hesitation of how she will actually receive me if I went to her, especially when she gets to know me better.”  

The melancholy and yearning is heard in Seth’s voice. They’re close enough that Nate places his arm around Seth’s shoulders.

“I don’t want to risk it…” Seth adds while leaning into Nate’s touch.

“It might be better not to live with the what ifs, especially since contacting her won’t be that difficult.”

“Yes, but I don’t want to risk it. I don’t want her not to accept me for who I am like others have done.”

“Understandable, but you owe it to yourself. You’re a strong person and whatever your encounter with your mother comes out to be, you are strong enough and I’ll be here for you.”

Seth turns his face towards Nate and Nate does the same. In the almost darkness, he sees Nate’s truth in his eyes.

I’ll be by your side that’s a promise I can keep as long as you want me by your side. Nate conveys.

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