Chapter 29

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 Aspen smiles at me and holds out his hand. I smile and look back at Toni and Anna. 

"Have fun you two." Anna waves as Aspen pulls me out the door after him. "Well not too much fun." Anna laughs as I slam the door behind me. Aspen laughs I can feel the heat in my cheeks. I bury my head in Aspen's shoulder.

"I cant believe she said that." I say.

"I can. She loves you Addy." 

I look away and shake the thoughts out of my head. Today is the day I focus on Aspen.

"So where is this date?" I ask.

"You'll see." He pulls me along behind him.

"Please Aspen." I plead but he refuses to give. 

"We are almost there and I'm not going to spoil the surprise I spent all day prepping it and ill be damned if you are going to ruin it." Aspen says.

"Arent we the hopeless romantic." I laugh when he turns to face me.

"Only for you babe." He leans down and kisses my face.

"Besides all that badgering and we are here." I look past Aspen and the most romantic looking picnic ever is set up. The cliché red and white checkered blanket and the picnic basket with the white napkins draped over the handles. The smile on my face widens.

"This is perfect Aspen." I kiss him softly.

"It is now that you are here." I follow him to the blanket next to the lake and smile at the cliché food. The grapes and the sandwiches. The whole picnic out of a teen romance. 

"You look amazing by the way." 

"Really I thought Toni was going to have a heart attack when she seen me. I really did." I laugh while popping a grape in my mouth. 

"Well you look amazing." 

"This is nice Aspen makes me forget what is going on with the rest of out world." I say.

"I know. Its weird watching mundanes get to live a life solely worried about the politics and who is president and who is their governor.  I wish we lived in a world solely based on the small things. Like who washes the house while we are away on a trip and so on, but we get to worry about whether our entire existence is going to be wiped away. "Aspen leans back and puts his hands behind his head watching the clouds.

"Actually third world countries have the same problems we do they worry about whether they are going to be killed in their sleep or if it will come while they are wake in front of their loved ones." I say.

"Wrong choice of words i'm sorry. I didn't mean to seem insensitive. I know we don't have it as bad as some do but it feels like everything we have ever worked for is falling down around us and there is nothing we can do to stop it." 

"I know but lets not talk about that right now. Lets talk about something else. Anything else really." I say.

"Alright kids." As the word leaves his mouth I can feel my entire body tense up.

"What about kids?" I ask.

"Well how many do you want?" He looks at me with curiosity.

"I don't know to be honest I never thought I would find another mate so I had planned on just dying a warriors death." I say.

"You never thought about kids before you were rejected?" He ask.

"No. I never wanted to bring kids into a world where people could hurt and abuse someone because of how other people saw them. This world is cruel and never fair." I say.

"Well do you want to have kids now?" 

"I mean maybe some day when all of this is over and I am able to think on my own and not think about how I might die in the next week." 

"If I have anything to do with it you will not die." He looks at me with a stern expression. "Ok, what about marriage did you ever want to be married?" 

"That's the easier one to answer." I say looking at him. "When I was little I knew I wanted a small wedding nothing huge and not a lot of people. I want the people who mean the most to me. The people I love and speak to on a daily bases. When I accepted you I knew that was what I wanted most in this world. I want to be your mate and your wife. I want to be by your side until the end no matter how much or how little that time may be." I say.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. I love you so much Ads and I will never let anyone or anything harm you. I promise to protect you as long as their is a breath in this body and as long as I have blood rushing through these veins."

"I love you too." I lean towards him and press my lips gently against his. 

"Addy! Aspen! We have a problem. I pull away from Aspen and look up as Jason comes running towards us.

"Well this was great." I kiss him once more and take off after Jason's retreating figure.



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