Chapter 26

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The room is quiet as Murphy jumps up and knocks into the table. Toni looks at me and scoots closer to me.

"Addy." She whispers.

"Murphy!" I yell. "You're scaring her!" 

Murphy looks at Toni and back at me and backs off.

"I'm sorry." He grumbles and sits down.

"So this is the girl who was taken from Torens pack land?" Dad says.

"Yes and she has answered enough questions." 

"Adalynn your tone is starting to piss me off." Michael says.

"You will not talk to my mate like that." Aspen says.

"She is on my territory I will speak to her how I please." Michael looks at Aspen with narrowed eyes.

"She is on my territory father and the day you stepped down this stopped being your pack. You will not talk to Addy like that and you will not be questioning my mate." Murphy looks at his dad and back at the rest of us. Toni looks around and stands closer to me.

"Alright I think this is enough for the day when we gather more information we will let each of you know." Murphy says. His dad looks like he could slam all of our heads together. He gets up and my dad follows him out the door. I slide down and allow Toni to take  my chair.

"So do you really think he wants to take each of these Alphas out?" I ask. Finn looks at me and Ned puts his hand on Finn's arm.

"I really do." I say. "He wants the Alphas to suffer. It only makes sense to go after the pack, but  that doesn't make sense here because Michael is no longer Alpha. Wouldn't it make more sense to go after Murphy?" I ask.

"I guess but Michael put his pack above all." I say.

"Even me." Murphy looks at his hands and at me.

"I mean it's no secret. I did a lot of the rebellious shit just to get the attention only landed me in a shit storm but it was attention. I mean that's no excuse but it also explains why the pack." 

"Well on this note i'm going back to my dads. Toni you can have the room here if you want it." I say. Aspen gets up and kisses the side of my head before threading his fingers with mine.

"Addy." Toni looks at me with scared eyes. I look at Murphy and back at her.

"Ill meet you outside let me talk to Toni." Aspen nods and leaves the room. Finn and Ned get the hint and follow Aspen.

"Give Murphy a chance. I know it may seem scary but a wolves mate is his everything. They would die before they let someone touch them." I say.

"Not the case with you." She says.

I can see Murphy flinch. "And as I told you we were a catalyst for each other so we could meet the person we were supposed to be  with." 

"Toni." Murphy stands hesitantly.

"I think you've got this from here. I'm going to go see my mate and be with the rest of my pack."

Toni nods and looks back at Murphy. This will definitely be an interesting match. I think shutting the door behind me.


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