Chapter 38

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"So we know Travis is holed up in the old industrial side of town. We know he is keeping a low profile and its a way to hide his wolves." I say. "If we can cut off the drug supply then he will have no choice but to come out in the open and we can grab him. It is going to be a waiting game."

Olivia is sitting next to me looking at all the people in the room. All the eyes are on the both of us. Most of the people in this room would rather see her head on a pike than see her bound to me. I know she can feel it and that is the worse part to it all. She knows these people hate her and there is nothing at the moment she can do.

"So what do you propose we do with the wolves he made?" Alpha Wren ask.

"We try to save them. They may not have had a choice when it comes to the change and we shouldn't condemn someone because of their past. They may not of made the right choices as a human but under the right influence they could be great wolves." I say.

"What about the ones who don't want help?" Alpha Wren ask.

"They expose us as a people and we cant have them running their mouths about werewolves amongst them." I pause. "They will die."

"Lets do this with as minimal casualties as possible. I don't want anyone getting hurt especially on our side. We want to come back to our loved ones and we want this over quickly." Murphy says.

"There might be a chance they have humans who aren't involved in this and we need them safe as well. They may know about us but they are not to be harmed." I say. I look at Murphy and he looks at Toni and my thoughts go to Zeke the poor boy probably thinks Toni is in danger and only helping Travis to see her safe.

"We treat this like it is glass and we get our people home. Like we have said the ones who expose us will meet their end, but the ones willing to change and stand with us are granted asylum." I pause and look at Murphy,"Everyone deserves a second chance to prove they are not what they used to be." I say.

"We will pick names and start a shift rotation and as much as i'd love to be with my mate no mates together." I say. Aspen doesn't look happy about the news. 

"Why not?" I hear someone speak up. I turn and Sam looks at me with curious eyes.

"I know I will be more worried about my mate being hurt or even in the line of getting hurt and I wont be able to do what I need to do if he is next to me." I say. I lay a hand on the side of his cheek. " I don't want to know I am looking to make sure he is ok and I get hurt or get someone else's mate or loved one killed. I want to be able to run into a blaze of seven hells and know I don't have someone distracted."

"So how do we decide shifts?" Danny ask.

"I will go on first shift with Gray, Colt, Kason, and Uriel." I say

"Danny will go second with Adeon, Sadie, Dante, and Knox." I say Danny nods and groups with his team.

"Finn you will take third with Logan, Daisy, Reed, and Rhett."

"The patrol will then consist of Aspen, Ned, Ezra, Vince, Tanner, and Hailey. That's all my team needs to be ready in an hour and we will roll out then." I say. The guys all nod and break off into groups.

"Murphy can I speak with you privately. Olivia hang back as well please." I stay rooted where I am as I wait for the room to clear. Aspen kisses my head and gets up.

"Come find me before you leave please." I nod.

The room finally clears out and the three of sit there waiting for the building to become quiet so I know no one is listening.

"Murphy I need you to protect Oliva while I am out on these runs." I say. His face twist into a look of confusion. "You are one of the only people I trust to protect her and my life is literally on the line with her." I say.

"I don't know if I can do that Addy." Murphy says a look of shame crosses his face.

Olivia looks like she is more uncomfortable to be there, and would rather take her chances with a pool of killer sharks.

"I know you will protect her because even though you won't admit it out loud you loved her at one point. It may not have been the type of love you felt for me or that you feel for Toni, but you loved her all the same. I know it seems like im asking you to swallow acid, but Olivia is our only hope and she deserves a second chance as well." I say.

"You and your damn epic speeches Addy." Murphy shakes his head and this causes a smile to form on my face.

"I know I swear I feel like something out of one of those cheesy romance movies." We all laugh and I look at Olivia.

"I promised to protect you and I am going to do that. I know we aren't exactly best friends but you are going to make it through this." I say. "Now if you will excuse me and my cheesiness I have a mate id like to go see." Olivia and Murphy nod.



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