Chapter 39

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The smell of rusting metal makes my nose crinkle up. I look at the guys moving through the shadows. The weight of the blades strapped to my thighs make me uncomfortable, but i'd rather not have to wolf out unless I absolutely need to. This world is full of people who have seen our kind shift and wound up in a looney bin. Uriel emerges from the shadows and comes closer to me.

"We got movement in the train depot on the southside. Gray and Kason are over there checking it out and it may be nothing but I wanted you to be ready in case shit hit the fan." He hops down from my hiding spot and disappers into the black abyss. I listen out for the guys while my eyes scan the perimeter. I hear them talking back and forth but can't make out anything they are saying.

The outline of the rusted buildings against the dark skyline is a stark contrast to the rest of the town lite up like a Christmas tree during December. I move closer to the lip of the stoop dangling my legs off. Uriel reemerges and looks at me with seemingly blank eyes.

"It was nothing. Apparently some of the local boys thought it would be fun to vandalize the buildings."

"They love causing destruction honestly I don't know how some of the kids around here haven't seen some shit they can't explain especially with the way they run the streets at night." I say. Uriel nods in agreement.

"What do you think about this whole situation Uriel. I mean really and don't give me any sugar coated shit."

"I mean I get the responsibility my alpha feels to yours and yours will help Murphy because of you, but in the same breath we have to kill Travis because if we don't he will just keep pushing the next Alpha out because he finds them weak. I know most people think this is a Murphy problem but it can turn into something so much worse."

I sit there and think about everything that has lead up to this moment.

"You know the funny thing is I used to think I'd let this town burn to the ground before helping Murphy and now I don't think I could let everyone in this shit hole die even if me and Murphy have a muddy past." I pause and let out a breath. "You have a mate Uriel?"

"Not yet."

"Gray and Kason have Mates?"

"I think Kason does but I'm not sure about Gray he keeps to himself."

I open my mouth to respond when I hear growling behind us. Slowly I turn to look and a small blonde wolf slinks towards us slowly. Teeth slowly peeling away exposing the teeth. The tongue rolling out of the mouth lapping at its teeth. I start to stand and it snaps at me. Uriel looks at me and his eyes flash at me he moves quickly pulling the wolf down. I grab a dagger from my hip that has wolfsbane laced in it.

"Hold it as still as you can. I don't want to kill it."

I unsheathe the blade and prick the skin above the heart. The wolf begins to fade and the human under begins to emerge. The girl looks at me fear in her blue eyes.

"I don't want to die." She pleads.

"You didn't care about hurting us." Uriel says.

"I don't have a choice."

"Uriel calm down. She'll talk I promise." I keep the dagger in my gloved hand as I kneel to be face to face with her.

"Where is Travis?"

"I don't know." She looks at Uriel and then back at me.

"I know you know. I'm not stupid. He knows we are watching him and that's not the problem. I need to know where he is holed up."

"He really doesn't let us know. He comes to give us what we want then leaves us. We are left to fend for ourselves until he comes again."

"Well where is your den?"

"I can't tell you that you'll just kill everyone there."

"Isn't it better then me killing you?" I say. Uriel keeps a grip on the girl.

"Kill me then." She looks at me again eyes wide.

"Addy we aren't getting anywhere with her."

"What is your name?"


"Where is your family?"

"I don't have a family that's why I'm like this."

"Well I'm Addy. Help me find Travis and we can be your family. I don't want to hurt you. I can teach you the rules of our kind and you can thrive."

Uriel seems on edge as does Violet, but I move closer my hand hovering over the blade as a last resort.

"Come on Violet what do you owe him really? Think about it this way you help me get Travis and I can save whoever you are protecting. I wouldn't lie to you. If I wanted to I could have killed you before you even made a moves towards me. Better yet Uriel here could have killed you before you even thought about making a move towards me. We can teach you what it's like to be a wolf and show you the amazing strengths you have."

Violet looks at me and back at Uriel contemplating everything I've just said. The turmoil behind her eyes makes my heart break for her.

"He's bear the river. We planted wolfsbane before he turned us. It's how he has stayed hidden. It hurts us to go near him." I nod and move away from Violet.

"The next shift should be here I will let the others know about what we have found out." Uriel says.

"Violet one last thing before I let you go. If you betray me or get the people I love hurt or worse killed I will not even hesitate to kill you and everyone you love."

Violet nods her head and lets out a sigh and looks at Uriel who pulls her up.

"I'll take her to the van."

I watch as they both leave and look out at the water and try to see him. I hope he is enjoying the last bit of freedom he has left because I am coming from him. I plan to end this mess he started.


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