Chapter 31

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Everyone is filing out of the room and talking in hushed whispers making the situation vivid. Once the last person is out I look at the remaining Alphas in the room.

"I cant believe how real this threat is." I say. I move to sit on Aspens lap. I kiss the side of his neck and move closer to him.

"Tell me about it." Murphy says.

"I honestly don't know how in the hell everyone is going to come out of this with all of their sanity left." I say.

"Hell isn't that the question we are all asking ourselves." Murphy says.

"I hate to drop this on you right now Murphy but I got some business to take care of back home so I will be leaving. I will be back when you need me." Aspen kisses the side of my head.

"Its all good man. I get it got to take care of the pack." Murphy says.

"I'm leaving some of the guys." Aspen says.

"Thanks Aspen." Murphy gets up so I move and Aspen and him hug it out.

"Hell to be honest the guys all but jumped at the opportunity to stay behind." Aspen laughs.

"The guys were talking about having a good time here and not wanting to leave so you know how that is." I say.

"Yeah." Murphy hugs me and kisses the side of my head.

"Thanks for all your help."

"You know if you ever need me again I will be here again. You have become one of my best friends." I kiss his cheek and grab Aspen's hand.

"I am sorry for everything that has happened to you Toni." She nods and wraps her arms around his arm.

"It'll be fine. I have Murphy now I'm not alone." She smiles and kisses Murphy one last time before leaving the room.

"I didn't want to say anything while she was in here but not only did her parents head come in so did a necklace. She had a dated Adam Sam's son and when that ended she dated Zeke. They were close she told me when they were dating she gave him a necklace that was given to her by her mother. Zeke was a human boy who left and went to college she never seen him again. I believe Travis has him." Murphy says.

"Why haven't you told her?" I ask.

"I don't want her knowing someone who she loves could be taken by a mad man. I love her so much and honestly I don't want to see her getting hurt anymore than she already is." Murphy looks at me and I can see the pain in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

"I know Addy."

"Call me if you need anything. I know Dad and Anna will be more than happy to come and help out whenever you need help."

"I know." Aspen kisses my head and leaves the room.

"Addy I feel like my entire pack is crumbling around me." He sits down and I sit on the table in front of him.

"Hey don't talk like that you cant help what your dad did. You aren't the boy you were before you took this pack." I set my hands on his shoulder leaning towards him. "I need you to snap out of this. You are not a kid anymore you have over two hundred lives in your hands you have to be a man. I know I sound like a bitch and I know I sound like I don't care but I am only saying this because I love you and don't want to see you fall." He looks at me and leans towards me. I hold my breath as his lips press against my forehead.

"Just the bucket of water I needed."
Adorkable !!!!!!!!!!! Passed my CNA state board!!!!!!!!!!!!

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