Chapter 24

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I traced my long finger against the table then glanced back at the door. For a moment, I could just open the door and escape from the police's clutches. But then, the cops will catch me then throw me back into the interrogation room.

It's been two hours since the old man has pressured me into speaking. I wonder what was taking him so long? The cop instantly barged into the room then told me that I was free to go. What? I thought. I gave him a puzzled look. The cop took a swig of his coffee then spoke.

"We were going to put in prison," he explained. "But over the past years, you have been nothing but grateful to us. Putting crooks in jail, giving us information, good work son." I stared at him waiting for him to go on. "However," he added. "Let me remind you that you are a seventeen year old kid who should mind his business rather than our own. Now, get out of here."

I lifted myself off of the chair then walked to the door. As I was reaching for the knob, I said something very complicated. "I don't hate you cops, but I hate the fact that you are cops. Even the good deserves to be happy and the bad... well they deserve to be corrupt So do the world a favor and don't screw up like coffee-stain."

I take a deep breath then left the scene. After a long walk from the
police station, I marched into my apartment room, took off my shoes, then collapsed on the couch. I inhaled its leathery smell.

Now that Clarence was gone, what happens now? Usually, I would hack into someone's website pages then exploit them around the world, but now I feel completely tired and proud at the same time. It was pathetic.

I staggered off of the couch, shed off my sweaty clothes, and take a long shower. As the water penetrates my pale skin, I thought about my parents starting their new lives in Paris. Why haven't I gone with them? I thought. As much as I hate being around people, I wanted to be with my family rather than be by myself. Or with Ivy, the "Nancy Drew" who I almost had a crush on, but she was gone like Clarence.

After his death, I recently heard that Computer Tech was shutting down. Not only did his death traumatized his fans, but also the company my father had worked in for many years. I wiped my damp hair out of my face then glanced at something very surprising beside my computer: A present with blue wrapping paper tied with a fancy red bow.

I got out of the shower, dried myself off, and put on a purple bathrobe. First, I take several careful steps toward the present as if there was something dangerous inside. Second, I pressed my ear against its face, proving that my instincts were wrong, but so far I haven't heard anything inside it. Which means it's safe. For now.

Third, I ripped the box open, then lifted the cover. Inside of the box was not a bomb, but strange contents inside it. A folded parchment, a silver grey knight mask, and an envelope. I unfold the paper then studied the words. It was in neat cursive handwriting.

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