Chapter 17

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At the Cafe, I  filled in the details of what happened while the waitress poured coffee in my father's mug.

"Thanks," replied my father. The waitress only rolled her eyes then walked away to fill the customers' orders. "Wyatt, drink your coffee, it's  getting cold."

After I took a long sip of my coffee, I laid my mug then sighed, "So, have you already thought about leaving Chicago with Mom?"

My father was surprised at my question, but   didn't say anything. "Please," I begged. "I have set everything up for you guys, I bought the plane tickets to Paris, I even have passports-"

"I'm not okay to leave my son dealing with my boss," he said. "What if you get hurt? Or worse, get arrested by the police. I even saw   your crimes on the newspaper."

I leaned forward then whispered, "Don't talk so loud. Besides, you should be thanking me." Dad let out a bitter laugh. "Thanking you? For blackmailing?"

"Yes, I know it sounds pathetic," I insisted. "But there are more corruption in this city than Gotham." "We are not talking about Batman, Wyatt." my father argued.

I let out a low snort then argued, "You don't understand, Dad. Your ex-boss is a psychopath. He ruined your life, he hurt innocent people, he killed Ivy."

My dad looked at me softly. I can't believe this was happening. My dad should be happy that I have been doing this for him. Why is he angry at me?

I grabbed my things then dashed out of the cafe. "Wyatt," my father cried. "What?" I snapped. " If it makes you happy, I'll go to Paris with your mother," he said.

I raised my eyebrow. A withered smile appeared on his face. "I think what you are doing is completely stupid," my father admitted. "But I won't stop you, okay?" "Okay," I agreed.

My father accompanied me to a flight back Ohio, where my mother showed up on the airport. She wore a flawless white dress and matching  heels. Her hair was parted to the side. Brown eyes flicked at us like a candle. Surprisingly,  she did not wear any makeup. father and I looked at each other then at Mom. "Mom," I began. "What are you doing here?"

Mom only walked up to me then give me a long awkward hug. "My Wyatt," she mumbled. "My sweet, sweet Wyatt." My mom handed me the package I have given to her earlier.

Not used to emotions, I bitterly repeated what she was doing in the airport. Mom brushed away the strands of red hair away from the white sleeves of her dress then sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry," I repeated. "For what?" "For not being there for you," Mom explained. "For not believing you for four years." My mother was apologizing to me, but I don't  know what to say to her.

"It's fine," I said finally. Mom looked into my father's blue eyes then frowned. "There is something I need to tell you, including your father."

She took a deep breath then said, "Clarence forced me to marry him." My father and I stared at Mom very hard as if she was joking. But she didn't  crack a smile or laughed. She was completely serious.

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