Chapter 8

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"Look at you," my father crooned. "You have grown so much." For the first time, I have never felt so happy in my entire life. My father never changed: his hair was still the color of sand, his eyes were still blue as the sky, and his face remain handsome.

"Wyatt," he said in a whisper. "How is your mom doing?" My smile deflated instantly. "She's okay," I answered. "She's married your boss." My father's face remained calm. "I know," he said. "Before your tenth birthday, your mom decided to get a divorce." "Why?" I asked. "You haven't done anything wrong!"

"I have been arrested for something I did not do," he sighed. "Then why did the cops arrest you?" I demanded. "Why did Clarence hate you?" "Why-" "I don't know," my father interrupted. "But I do know this, Clarence does more damage behind closed doors." I rolled my eyes to his comment. "I know," I said. My father gave me a confused look and was about to ask me when all of a sudden the same policeman with the coffee stained tie came into the room then told me that my time was up.

"I'll talk to you soon," I promised. My father nodded then went back to his favorite spot. The policeman guided me out of the room then continues doing his desk job.  While I just came out of the  police station, all of sudden, my phone starts humming again. I carefully take it out of my pocket, pressed the Answer Key, then placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey, it's me Ivy." Ivy said. "Oh," I felt relieved. After the threatening call I got from Clarence, I thought about changing my number. "How are you doing, Ivy?" "I'm doing fine," she said, but her tone sounded annoyed. It must be because I ditched her on my first date or maybe it's because of my awkward social skills.  I don't really know these days.

"I was wondering if you want to come over to my house," she said. "Are you sure?" I asked full of uncertainty. I never been to someone's house before, but I decided to accept Ivy's invitation. "Alright then," I agreed happily. "I'll swing by your place." "First," Ivy sighed. "You have to promise me that you are not going to back out of it."

"I promise I won't back out of your invitation," I said. "I wait for you at the bus bench."  "Okay, see you!" Ivy squealed.  I hung up the phone then slipped it back into my pocket. I  started my way back to my apartment that is when I saw something quite unusual: there was a shadowed figure arguing with someone hidden in a  large black SUV.

"What do you mean I'm fired?" the person asked. "I am one of your trustworthy employees, you idiot!" "Calm down," the mysterious driver said. "I will rehire you unless you tell me where my money is?" "I kept telling you," the person insisted. "I don't know!"

"Very well," the mysterious driver growled. Suddenly, the driver took out a polished flintlock pistol then pointed at the person. "I'm giving you one chance," he warned. "Who took my money?" When the person did not answer, the driver fired two shots at the person's chest then drove away.

I ran toward the fallen person, but when I came closer I stared in shock: it was the woman who works at the bank.

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