Chapter 4

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My mother was an idiot when it comes to dating men. When I was eleven, she dated this guy named Tyler, who was an alcoholic moron and could not find a job.

I hated him as much as I hate Clarence and my mom, but I did not say that aloud, because I worried that he might strike me across the face. While Tyler was going to buy a pack of beer cans, he left my mom lying on the floor unconscious. After seeing my mom distraught, it was time to get even.

I booted up my computer, then began hacking into Tyler's car by controlling the Navigation System. Instead of making it go slower, I increased it, causing Tyler to get pulled over by a police car.

While Tyler remained calm, I took the pleasure of ramming Tyler's tailgate against the rim of the police car's hood. "Did you do this?" the policeman demanded. He was already out of the car with steam coming out of his ears.

I then hacked into Tyler's broken laptop then showed the footage of him beating Mom. Horrified, Tyler was about to make a run for it, but he was held down to the policeman's grip.
"I didn't do anything!" Tyler cried as he was being thrown in the car by police officer. He began blabbering that his car was being possessed or something, but the policeman just slammed the door then ignored him for the rest of the day.

For my notorious crime, Tyler was placed in jail for ten years in maximum security. Reminiscing that amazing moment, I reluctantly decided to help my mother with her financial crisis. I cracked my knuckles then began my job. After ten hours of typing codes on the computer, I hacked into my step-father's funds then transferred it to Mom's account. I watched as Clarence's money slowly drain while Mom's were increasing steadily.

As soon as I was finished, I stared at the video of my mother and Clarence having a brief angry moment. The phone suddenly hummed on it's charger and Clarence started to answer it. "Yes," he said. "What's this about, Mary?" Mary was the pig's lapdog and Secretary of my father's company. Traces of his smile vanished. "Are you kidding me? Now?" Clarence shrieked. He slammed the phone with so much force that it's face started to crack.

"Clarence," Mom began. "I have to go," he said grimly, slamming the door behind him. Ha, I thought triumphantly. I glanced at Ivy's phone number then picked up my cellphone. "Hey Jordan," Ivy called. "How are you doing?" I took a deep breath then asked her if she wants to do an activity with me.

"Is this a date?" she giggled. I blushed incredibly then answered yes. "Sure," Ivy agreed. "How about around seven o'clock?" "Sure," I answered. "See you there." I hung up the phone and felt a, little giddy inside. It was the first time I asked a girl out.

I raced back to my apartment room and went upstairs to freshen myself up in the bathroom. I brushed my brown bangs out of my eyes, straightened my Cheshire pink and purple striped jacket, added cologne which I rarely use, and finally I placed my favorite grey winter cap on my head.

Time to make my day, I beamed. I strolled out of my apartment through the back door and waited for Ivy to show up. "Hey Jordan," Ivy smiled. Her blond hair was swept onto her neck, she wore a grey glittery shirt and long black jeans. "Are you ready?" I nodded eagerly.

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