Chapter 12

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I arrived in the courthouse, dressed in my black suit and tie as if I was attended to someone's funeral. The courthouse was like magnificent library.  Two huge marble pillars carried the roof of the courthouse. Numerous lawyers and businessmen came in and out of the building like it was no big deal. Sleek brown paint covered the nooks and crannies of the building.

While the grand white paint was slathered over the doors. It  must be where the judge is sending people to jail, execution, or to their freedom. Entering the courthouse, I caught a whiff of someone's cologne then sneezed instantly. "Bless you," said someone's voice. It was the judge. Like men in the seventeenth century, he wore a powdered wig, a long black robe, and a golden pocketwatch.

"Hello sir," I said. "My name is Craig Marshall, and I was hoping to have a word with you." The large man smiled then led me to his office. "Anything you like?" he asked. "Water, coffee, some wine?" "No, no thank you," I said cheerfully. "I want us to get down to business."

The judge rests his rear end on his chair then allowed me to speak. "I am a lawyer who is defending Computer Tech's employee, Mrs. Hope," I lied. "Along with many others, she reported that Clarence Fairmont abused her." "Oh that," the judge chuckled. "That was ages ago. Clarence Fairmont has been released no charge."

My smile never wavered. "I understand, sir. But can you tell me why that is?" The judge raised his questioning eyebrow. "What are you getting at?" he asked. I threw Clarence's personal files onto the judge's musty desk.

"Read it," I urged. The judge's fat fingers opened the file and scanned the pages. "Let me ask you again," I said calmly. "Exactly, why did Clarence go free? Does he have something against you?" "Get out or I'll call the police!" the judge shouted. I sat on the chair then casually said, "Do it." "Excuse me?" the judge demanded. "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter," I said calmly. "Go ahead, call the police. I'm sure they will find out sooner or later that a fat klutz like you released a ruthless man out of custody with no charge." The judge rubbed his forehead. "Okay," he mumbled. "What do you want?"

"I think you know what I want," I sneered. "Clarence Fairmont came to my office one morning and saw me having an affair with my Secretary." he admitted. "As I was packing up my things, he barged into my office and told me what he saw then threatened to tell my wife everything unless I drop the charges against him."

He pulled the golden wedding ring off of his finger then placed it on the table. "I don't deserve this ring," he said. "So you have decided to take Clarence's word and ignore his victims?" I sighed, shaking my head. "How pitiful."

"You don't understand-" the judge began. I got up from seat then turn my heel to leave, but before I left the room, his wife appeared looking distraught. "How could you?" she cried. Her snowy white hair shook in anger, her black eyes squinted in fury.

"Mabel," the judge cried. "How did you-" "I send an audio file of your affair to your wife," I explained. "I'll let you two talk it out."
I left the old couple to themselves as I shut the door with a quiet slam.

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