Epilogue ✔️

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Six years later.

"Maya Benson." My college professor called and I went up to the stadium, grabbing my diploma. Ashton yelled my name and held our screaming son on his shoulders. I blushed deeply and gave him a look, but he gave me a cheeky grin.

Connor, my son, is three years old today. Me and Ashton went out on another date but it ended up going to his apartment and while I had been taking the pill, I forgot to take it the next week because I came down with the flu. Anything that would be put in my mouth made me want to throw up.

I didn't regret it though, I'm glad we had Connor and so was Ashton. He was a great father but he's teaching our son how to flirt with girls.

I walked down and Ashton ran towards me, picking me up and spinning me around. "My beautiful fiancé just graduated." He said and I was still amazed by how easily he can make me blush. He leaned down and kissed my lips while Connor tugged on my hand.

"Mommy." He whined and I bent down so we were face to face.

"Yeah bug?" I ruffled his brown curls and he giggled. For a three year old he was immensely smart and could form sentences I couldn't form when I was five.

He walked to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled widely and picked him up, throwing him in the air. His screamed filled my ears and I haven't been this happy in forever.

My parents walked over to us and hugged me, "Congratulations." My mom said.

I took journalism because writing has always been my passion. Ashton is the CEO of some big company and finally escaped his fighting life and provided his parents with money like he always wanted. His parents were a joy to meet and I was happy that they liked me.

"When are you guys moving?" My dad asked and I smiled sadly.

"Tomorrow. I already booked you tickets to come to the wedding." I gave them their first class tickets and they smiled at me.

"It better not be that silly cave wedding you've always wanted." My mother warned and I smiled sheepishly, she had no idea.

One month later.

"Is Connor with his father?" I asked as Kate soothed out my wedding dress.

"Yeah, he's getting ready with Bexley." Bexley was Kate's two year old and my flower girl.

The little girl is so cute and just a little bubble of happiness.

I breathed out and smiled, "I can't believe this is happening." I whispered and Kate smiled.

"I knew it would happen from the way he stared at you on prom night." She muttered.

She didn't work it out with Sam and actually got married to Axel. Yeah, that douchebag is her husband. What a waste, but they love each other and I can see he does truly love her so I tolerate him.

"It's almost time, come on. We need to get you in position." She said and I rolled my eyes as she pretended to be a spy. She was my maid of honor and has taken this wedding very seriously.

I smiled at Jenny who was helping the other bridesmaids. I only had four since I made two friends in college and Jenny was the third one. Jenny majored in design like she always wanted and made my dress for me. I was glad we stayed in contact. I had quit Redgeys when my boss said that if I wanted a raise I had to give him a blow job.

Ashton almost killed him.

I walked outside and saw everyone seated. The bridesmaids walked out and then Connor and Sophia walked out.

The music flowed and my dad looped his arm through mine, smiling at me. We walked down the beach and I decided against wearing shoes because the sand in between my toes relaxed me.

Ashton stared at me with love in his eyes and I blushed brightly. I stepped onto the platform as the priest said everything. I repeated what he had said and stared at Ashton the whole time.

I slide the ring on Ashton's finger as he did so to me. "You may kiss the-" Ashton didn't let him finish before he pulled me to him and bent me down, kissing me passionately.

What a cliché.

I laughed against his lips as he brought me back up. Everyone was clapping but they were tuned out as I had my full attention on Ashton.

His thumb grazed my cheek, "I wanted to kiss you the moment you peaked around the corner." He whispered and kissed me gently one more time even though I became really flustered that he saw me peaking.

"Mommy!" Connor ran towards me, tripping a few times before he was in my arms.

I stood up and he looked up at Ashton. "You look pretty." Connor said to me and I smiled at him, smothering his cheek in kisses.

He screamed, "Daddy! Help!" Ashton laughed and pulled Connor away from me.

"Mommy's scary isn't she? Ashton pouted and Connor nodded.

I rolled my eyes and walked down to my mother. "How do you feel Mrs. Tellor?" My mom teased and I blushed.

"I feel fantastic, Mrs. Benson." I said and she laughed, hugging me.

"I can't believe you actually got married here." She said and I laughed.

I looked towards Axel who was still a party animal like he was before. I gave him a thumbs up and looked towards Ashton, motioning him into the cave.

We led everyone in and people whispered as it was pitch black inside before black lights were turned on. My dress glowed and I smiled happily before grabbing glow in the dark paint and painting it on Connors cheeks. Ashton set Connor down as he ran towards Ashton's parents. I smiled slyly at Ashton before splattering paint on him.

He laughed and the pushed me against a rock, grabbing a paint brush and painted on me. Everyone was soon covered in paint and we all glowed as AC/DC flooded through the speakers.

My aunt smiled at me and Zachary waved at me. I looked around for Sasha and saw her dancing with her boyfriend. My brother came up to me and fist bumped Ashton.

"Where's Tallia?" I asked, looking around for his girlfriend.

"She couldn't make it, her parents went on vacation and she had to house sit." He rolled his eyes and I laughed.

I hugged him, "Make sure to invite me to the wedding."

"I wouldn't forget." He winked and walked away.

Ashton pulled me close to him. "I love you Mrs. Tellor." He said and I leaned against him, pushing myself closer.

"I love you, Mr. Tellor." I whispered, capturing his lips in mine.

I'm so glad I met this man in the backseat.

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