11| Warnings

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Kate took a seat across from me, gripping a coffee cup in her hands as she let out a hurried breath.

The way she was looking at me worried me the slightest. It seemed like multiple emotions crossed her face all at once.

I had filled her on in what entirely has happened with me and Ashton, excluding the part about the guy at my work; I knew if I told her that she would worry about me even more than now, which was the last thing I wanted.

"What's his name again?" She asked, blushing slightly.

It seems like I haven't hung out with her in forever, that it actually surprised me. It shouldn't have been, considering the fact that she's always blushed asking a question that she felt may have been embarrassing. It was one of the many things that I loved about her, but I unfortunately haven't been a kind enough friend to her.

"Ashton." A blush crept to my cheeks and I gripped my cup slightly with my fingertips, anxiously waiting for a reply.

Her face slowly fell and I felt my heart drop, biting my lip to try and calm my nerves. She sat blankly for a few, narrowing her eyes as she studied me, "Police car Ashton?"

"How'd you know about him?" My eyebrow raised as I tapped my coffee cup.

"Oh, I gossip with your mom all the time." She slowly sipped out of her coffee cup, a slight smile on her lips.

I stared at her for a second before I burst out laughing, my hands clutching my stomach while her smile became a frown, "So all those times you were in the 'bathroom' for forty minutes you were gossiping with my mom?" She nodded and I went through another fit of giggles, causing her cheeks to turn bright red.

Once I managed to calm down I shook my head and swigged the rest of my coffee, "I'm not quite sure how I feel about that."

She waved her hand dismissively, "Oh don't worry about it, I'm your best friend I should know everything about you."

I narrowed my eyes a bit, "I'm not quite sure that's how it works or that you're entitled to know anything everything about me, but these things should be coming from my mouth not my moms mouth."

She pouted a little, "Oh hun, I'm sorry. I didn't know that would make you feel that way," because you didn't ask, "I promise Ill stop talking about you with your mom." I gave her a thankful smile and she giggled, "But she does spill the best tea about all the parents in the neighborhood so I think I'll stick with that, if that's okay with you?"

I nodded, smiling, "As long as its not about me then its okay!" I snapped my fingers in a happy tune.

"But," she drew out the T a few seconds, "I would like to talk about this Ashton guy."

I shook my head, "No, nope. I will not discuss my love life with someone who talks and probably sides with my mother."

She rolled her eyes, kicking my shin gently, "Oh stop, I can gain my own view points without your mothers input, however I am going to be real with you." I sighed, slumping in my seat and crossing my hands over my chest, "Ashton sounds wonderful, truly, but babe he's in college and the last thing a college boy wants to do is be tied down; and lets not talk about the fact that you met him in the back of a police car." Her offhand tone made me grit my teeth in anger.

"Meeting him in a police car doesn't mean anything other than the fact that I met him in a police car and so what if he's in college and doesn't want to be tied down, who said I wanted to be tied down?"

She frowned, sitting up straighter and leaning towards me, "I'm not trying to upset or hurt your feelings, I'm just pointing out the facts. I don't want you to get hurt."

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