12| The date

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It's been four weeks since Ashton asked me to go on a date with him. It was closing towards the end of my school year and I couldn't be more happy. But Ashton asked me to go on a date tonight of all nights; prom night. I was supposed to go with Kate but she told me I should go on this date with Ashton.

"Mom!" I yelled and heard her footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Hm?" She asked, peaking her head in the door.

"I don't know what to wear!" I rushed, pacing around. Ashton wouldn't tell me anything about the place he's taking me to and won't tell me what I should wear.

My mom squealed suddenly, "I'll be right back."

And people thought I was crazy, pfft. Must run in the family.

My mom came back in and placed a box on my bed. I raised an eyebrow at her as her face lit up with pure joy and excitement.

"What's this?"

"Open it." She demanded and watched anxiously as I slowly lifted the top up. My eyes widened as I pulled up a beautiful bright red dress.

 My eyes widened as I pulled up a beautiful bright red dress

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"I can't wear this." I whispered and ran my hand over the soft texture. "This is too much." I placed the dress back in the box and stepped away.

"Honey, red has always been your color, and Ashton thought so to." She smiled slyly at me before walking away.

Ashton? Oh no he didn't.

I called him, gritting my teeth together. He picked up on the third ring. "Hello?" His deep voice answered and my heart started pounding faster.

Jesus, why does this always happen? I get tongue tied around this boy.

"Did you buy me this dress?" I asked, staring at it.

"Depends on if you'd be mad at me if I did or not." He stated. I heard shuffling and guessed he was also getting ready.

"Well, I would be mad. This thing must have cost a fortune!"

"Babe, just put it on, I bought it because I knew you would look absolutely stunning. Now be ready, angel." He said and hung up the phone.

I looked at the time and gasped when I saw it was almost eight. I had spent so much time pondering on what I should wear that I wasn't paying attention.

I asked my mom to do my hair and makeup which she gladly did. She gave me a black smokey eye and did my eyebrows perfectly. I have this odd obsession with eyebrows so if they aren't perfect then I lose my marbles. She put on some bright red lipstick that matched the dress and curled my hair, putting it into a messy bun. Some of the curls flowed out and for once I actually felt pretty.

"Go put on your dress, you have five minutes! Also, don't wear converse, I left my favorite red heels in the bathroom for you." She said and pushed me towards the bathroom.

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