08 | Nuggets

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"I can't believe you made me stop for nuggets." Ashton laughed as we sat in McDonald's.

"I can," I stated and took a bite out of my love life. "These make life so much better," I said, flinging my nuggets around.

Luckily for me, Ashton was a great distraction from all the stares and sympathetic looks I was receiving.

"Sure they do." He rolled his eyes and leaned back in the seat.

I raised an eyebrow, "Mcscuse me, bitch, they will take over earth someday." I said proudly.

He chuckled and shook his head.

We made small talk, but it wasn't much since I was busy stuffing my face with the only thing that makes me happy. When I finished I limped to the car with his help, even when I told him that I was a big girl and got it. Him helping me with everything was not helping the intense feeling in my heart that I was feeling. It literally felt like my heart just wanted to jump out into his hands.

"You should really get that ankle checked," Ashton mumbled, opening the door for me.

I hopped in, "You should really keep quiet." I said and he rolled his eyes, closing the door. He walked to the driver's side, sat down, and pulled out, heading to my house. When he pulled up I looked up at him questioningly, "How are you going to get home?"

"I'll find a ride." He dismissed while I tried to argue with him. "Maya, I'll be fine." He said, turning around to face me.

I sighed and nodded my head. I started to walk away but hesitated. I turned around and hugged him before I could change my mind. "Thank you." I pulled away, blushing.

He smiled down at me, "Anything for you. Now go inside and get some ice on that ankle and eye." He said and I felt my heart flutter. I ignored the feeling and watched as he walked away, pulling his phone to his ear. I walked inside my house and sighed, quickly rushing upstairs. I put on my pyjamas and looked in the mirror.

I frowned as I saw that the swelling went down, but now I'm stuck with a black eye and bruised cheek. I sighed and ran a hot shower, rinsing myself down but avoiding my face unless the water was cold because the heat did not make it feel better.

I scrubbed my body to get rid of the feeling of the guy's hands all over me. When I got out of the shower I still felt dirty but I dismissed it the best I could, knowing the water and soap washed it all away. I brushed my hair and braided it to the side. I frowned as some of my jet black strands popped out of the braid. I shrugged it off and went straight for the comfort of my bed.

I sat on my bed and opened my laptop, groaning when multiple links to the Sex tape was being shared around. Shouldn't that be taken down? I mean it's not exactly pg-13...

I flagged it under inappropriate and shut my laptop down, seeing enough of that. I figured the cops would've managed to get it off the internet, but what's on it stays on it forever, which did not make me feel good in any sort of way.

I can't believe I gave him my virginity. I guess it didn't really matter to me because to me virginity was just a word and nothing that important. So what if I had sex? It was bound to happen sometime anyway. My virginity wasn't something sacred to me like others because what's the big deal? I know it was against the Bible, but I wasn't exactly a Christian, or anything really.

And maybe that's why I gave him my virginity and gave him consent to make a video of us.

I gave him consent.

The BackseatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz