01 | Begin

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So, as most of you know, I took down this story for rewriting. Most of the chapters are relatively the same, but there has been some major changes and a brand new chapter. If you're a first time reader welcome and thank you so much for giving this ol' thing a try! I know it's cringey and a little untrue, but it still holds a dear place in my heart.

That being said, as it is rewritten I have tried my best to go back, edit, and make sure everything aligns and that there aren't any mistakes, but I am only human and I'm sorry if there's something out of place and confuses you. PLEASE IF YOU NOTICE ANYTHING WRONG/INCORRECT, please don't be afraid to comment or leave a message on my board or a pm. It would help me so much in the long run and make this story more enjoyable!

Sorry this is so long, lolol, but I hope you enjoy!

"How could you be so stupid?" My father yelled down at me and I flinched, "Is this what you've been doing with your time? Banging some strangers? You're only seventeen!" My mom came behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, attempting to calm him down. Bradley, my ex, just had to send the video to my dad. I had no clue that my last year of high school was gonna end like this, and I only had that to be thankful for because the entire school won't stop talking about my body in ways I never thought they could. It was my fault, but going from never even being talked too to being harassed every day at school did not feel good.

I bit my lip as a sudden rage burned through me. I pushed passed my parents and ignored their calls, running to my car. I drove to Michaels and grabbed spray paint with sparkles. I made sure it was a nice silver holo and picked up some permanent markers. What I was planning on doing was not something old me would be proud to admit, but right now the only thing I can think about is hurting Bradley more than he hurt me.

Which is probably damn near impossible.

I laughed evilly as I got back in my car and drove straight to his house. I watched as him and some skank excited his car and went inside. This was absolutely perfect timing.

Is this what crazy Ex's do? Yes.

Am I crazy ex? Probably.

Do I care? Hell no, this is way too much fun.

I shook the can and went straight for a dick drawing on the side of his GTR. I hated this car, always have and always will. It always smelt like different perfumes and he hid drugs everywhere in it. I always told him it was a stupid idea, but I was a girl and girls don't know anything about drugs and cars.

I cannot wait to destroy this.

I sprayed on some butterflies with some colorful words springing from the wings. I began writing the girls name he cheated on me with on the hood and doors. I was laughing to myself until I heard sirens behind me. I froze and dropped the can and marker, holding my breath.

This was not good.

"Ma'am, what do you think you're doing?" A familiar voice said and I dropped my shoulders, sighing. Today was just not going my way.

I stayed put and tried not to blink. "I can see you, you know." The cop sighed, "I would also like an answer."

I finally moved and looked at the tall man before me. I laughed nervously, "Renovating?" I questioned, my cheeks flaming as he shook his head. My parents are going to kill me.

He told me to turn around and I complied, sighing when I felt the familiar coldness of metal against my wrists. I could hear him chuckling under his breath as if this was the funniest thing in the world. I mean, for him it could be, but it definitely wasn't for me.

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