13| The Talk ✔️

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Tonight was pretty fun, despite all the desperate girls trying to steal Ashton from me. He didn't pay any attention to them and it made my heart hurt in a good way.

In a love way.

I gulped as we were in his car, heading back to his apartment. Am I in love with him? Can someone love someone so fast?

We still need to talk about everything. I think he knows this too because of the grim look he has on his face.

We pulled up to a high rise building and my eyes widened. I've never asked him, but I'm pretty sure he's loaded. He held my hand the whole way up to his apartment, which was on the highest floor.

"Aren't you in college?" I asked, looking around his apartment.

He set his keys down and switched on the lights. "Yeah, but I stay here on the weekends." He said and I sat down on the white couch.

He sat down next to me and I started moving my leg up and down, "We need to talk." We said in unison and I laughed slightly.

"Glad to know were on the same page." Ashton commented and I nodded.

He breathed out, "Bradley did it." I blurted out and covered my mouth, not knowing what possessed me to say that.

Maybe it's because I trust him.

"What?" He asked, frowning up at me.

I bit my lip, "Uh, my eye." I whispered awkwardly.

Ashton's jaw clenched up and his hands became white fists. I winced and reached over, untangling his fists. I gripped his hands and he slowly loosened them.

"That bastard." Ashton spit out, anger flaring in his eyes.

I sat on my knees so I was eye to eye with him, "Hey, it's okay. It happened, I'm fine, it's over. Schools going to be done in two weeks and then I won't ever have to see his face, okay?" I said and he nodded, looking at my face.

I smiled slightly and my hand grazed his jaw. "I fight for money." He said and I tilted my head to indicate I'm listening. "My family's not very rich, and if you haven't noticed I'm kind of loaded." I nodded, I figured he was. "When I was fifteen my parents lost both of their jobs and we were being evicted from our little house.

"The look on my parents face was heartbreaking and I could hear them arguing at night when they thought I was asleep. I was the reason they were arguing, they didn't want me to be potentially homeless. I started trying harder in school after that because if I got good grades I could go to a good college on a scholarship and get some money for us. But it was a long ways away and I didn't have that time so I met up with a guy named Blaze. He was the reason kids like me ended up in the ring." He sighed, breathing in.

"I didn't start big, I lost at least thirty times but that didn't stop me, I wanted to help my parents. By the time I was sixteen I had become extremely well and Blaze set me with the big guys, telling them I was nineteen. I was tall enough to seem the age and my muscles were starting to grow then. I looked exactly liked them and I'd always come home with bruises. My parents were worried and wondered what I was doing but I never told them. It took me five fights before I started getting big money. I'd make ten grand each week and at first my parents thought I was stealing but I just told them I got a good job.

"I told them I was an assistant for some firm that allowed sixteen year olds to test out their skills. Now that I'm in college, my parents just think that I'm making money because of the good job I have. They never knew what I actually did and I still don't want them to know. They're happy, had another kid, my baby sister Lily, and they're living in a homey house. It's all I ever wanted for them and I wanted Lily to have a childhood that I never had. That's the reason I fight, I don't enjoy it. Hell, I hate it so fucking much when I beat up people until they can barely breathe. Unlike the other guys in the ring I don't get a rush off of it, I'm scared to death every time I enter, thinking I'll be the one on the ground, begging for my life. I promised myself that once I graduate college that I'm out, I haven't made any enemies yet and I don't want to. The sooner I'm out, the safer it is for everyone around me. That's also why I keep my identity hidden, they all think my name is Ryder Helsh and no one knows what I look like.

"That's the way it needs to stay." He finished off and I looked at him.

I'm definitely in love with this man.

Without thinking I pressed my lips to his. He kissed back almost instantly and I opened my mouth so he can enter. His hands traveled down my dress and I could feel the heat transmitting.

I promised myself that I would wait till marriage to have sex because of Bradley, but there was something about Ashton that I couldn't resist. He was like metal and I was the magnet.

He nibbled on my lip and I arched my back and his hands went lower. He found the zipper and dragged it down. I tried to get my dress off quickly and he pulled it off, throwing it somewhere. He pulled me on his lap and stood up, walking to his bedroom. He gently laid me down on the bed. I tugged at his shirt and he took it off. My hands slid down his chest and he sucked on my collar bone. His warm hands went behind my back and I arched, pressing myself onto him.

"You're so beautiful." He said and I tried to muster up words but they were taken away when he started placing butterfly kisses down my body. His warmth was radiating and I pushed myself further against him, desperate to feel more of it.

"Maya," He whispered and I closed my eyes, sighing in content.


Sex with Bradley was nothing like that. Hell, now that I've had sex with Ashton I finally realized that Bradley did suck. He was absolutely awful.

I wrapped my arms around Ashton's chest as he wrapped his arm behind my head. My fingers trailed his chest in patterns.

I closed my eyes and sat up. "What's wrong?" Ashton asked, sitting up as well.

"I-I," I stuttered and closed my eyes tightly.

"I love you." I finally got out and watched his reaction slowly.

Ashton's POV

I watched her with wide eyes, pure happiness exploding within me.

She actually loved me.

Her eyes were worried and I could see them tearing up. I quickly leaned in and kissed her lips slowly. "I love you." I whispered.

Her eyes widened as she studied me. If she thought I was lying she can throw that idea down the drain because I'm in love with this woman. So in love actually and I didn't think it was possible to be this much in love with someone within a two month span.

Her face brightened up with a smile before she kissed me again. She pulled me down and I smiled against her lips.

I worshipped her in a way I've never done with anyone else and I'm glad it was with this women right here.

We sat there, panting. I knew her dad was going to kill me because I'm not letting her go until tomorrow.

I looked at her as she stared into space. I grabbed her face gently and she focused her beautiful brown orbs on me, "Maya Benson, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded, smiling widely.

We both laid down and fell asleep. If I did end up getting murdered by her dad it would be worth it. She was worth everything in my eyes.

The girl I met in the backseat.

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