04 | Black Market

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"YOU PUNCHED HIM?" My mom exclaimed, holding her head.

I smiled sheepishly, "He called me a whore, was I supposed to just go along with it?"

My dad was finally back from the station, standing behind my mom after telling her what my Uncle told him.

"No, but you didn't have to punch the poor guy." My mother said, sighing and banging her head on the table. I wouldn't exactly use the term 'poor', he had it coming.

"Can I go to aunt Molly's? She's cooler than you." I whined and my mom picked up her head.

"Yes, live there! I'm tired of your existence." She mumbled and went upstairs. My dad spit out his water and began laughing.

I grumbled at him and went towards my aunt's house which was down the street. I didn't bother knocking and walked straight into the houses, waving at my cousins. "Aunt Molly! Where ya at fool?" I yelled and heard a squeal from the backyard.

I skipped to the back yard and saw her getting attacked by her youngest son, Zachary. "What's up plumb?" She asked, pulling Zachary off her shoulder and having him run to his dad, my uncle Nick.

"I have a story to tell you." I smiled and she laughed.

"Finally! I thought nothing interesting would ever happen in your life."

I gasped and covered my heart, "That offends me."

She rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch, "You're too egotistical to have anything offend you." She mumbled and I laughed, plopping down next to her.

I shrugged, "You're not wrong." I smiled slyly and she flicked my head. "Ouch," I whined and she shushed me.

"So what did you want to tell your dear old aunt?"

"You're twenty-nine, barely old," I commented and she laughed. My mom was thirty-seven and my dads thirty-nine. My mom had me at nineteen but she always says she doesn't regret it. I'm sure she secretly does or at least did.

"Anyways-" I told her the story about Bradley and I had to calm her down before she stormed and beat his car with a baseball bat; I should have done that, actually. Then I went to tell her about my sabotage and how I got caught by her husband. She laughed at that, like donkey knee-slapping laugh, I didn't find it that funny. She stopped when I told her I met an older, gorgeous guy, and got interrogated.

"You asked him why he was in, right?"


"You asked about his favourite colour?"

"Uh no, I don't see how that's relevant."

"Little details, Maya, little details can be the biggest of them all."

"Yeah, but his favourite colour shouldn't matter, it only tells if he's happy or sad or angry."

"Exactly, little details."

I rolled my eyes at this. I just met the guy and I'll probably never see him again so why does it matter?

"Whatever, it's not like he'd ever go for a teenager still in high school," I mumbled, putting my chin on my hand.

"As you said, you'll never see him again, so why beat around the bush looking for him?"

"But he was SO hot!" I whined, stomping my feet like a little child. Aunt Molly just laughed and pulled out her phone as Nick called for me.

"Maya, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked and I nodded, getting up dodging Zach as he zoomed around me to the playset.

I followed him into the house where he led me to his home office. It was a cluttered mess in here with papers on the floor and desk, boxes lined up messily across the floor. I wasn't surprised as he was working on getting the promotion to detective, but a little organization would probably make him feel better.

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