05 | Flirtatious

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"Just an iced Carmel mocha please." I said to Janette and she took my order, writing my name on the cup and gave it to the guy in the back.

I'm not a big fan of Starbucks because they're so expensive, but I'll stop by once a month to treat myself for all the hard work I do.

And by that I mean waiting tables at Redgeys, a burger diner a little ways from my home. It was an easy job and I actually have a lot of fun, except when we get the cocky customers that think it's okay to flirt with you every damn chance they get.

I just want to squeeze their head so tightly they pop like a balloon when it hits a popcorn ceiling.

"Thank you." I smiled and took my coffee, looking down at my phone.

I instantly regretted not watching where I was going because I soon went from walking to tripping over a chair and falling. I should've known my bad karma was going to strike me soon, I just hoped it wouldn't be in a public place like this.

I gripped a table but ended up losing my coffee on someone's pants. "I am so sorry!" I exclaimed and looked up at my victim.

This certain victim was smiling at me amusingly and my eyes widened. I looked at his pants that were now covered in my coffee then met his eyes again, "If you wanted me to take these off, you could've just asked." Ashton replied slyly and a blush crept up onto my face.

Damn me and my clumsiness!

"Eureka, so sorry," I said again causing him to laugh.

"I'll be right back." He said and got up, walking towards the bathroom. I took that as my cue to sit so I sat down, awkwardly tapping my fingers on the table.

This is most definitely one of the topmost embarrassing things I've managed to do, and in front of one of the most gorgeous beings, I've ever seen.

He soon came back out with a pair of shorts on and I frowned, "I was wearing shorts under them." He explained and I nodded.

"Where're your pants then?"

"Put them in my backpack." He replied casually, showing me his bag and sat back into his seat, leaning down.

I nodded, "Welp, sorry again and I hope you have a great day." I rushed out and began to leave the booth, ready to escape this damnation but his voice stopped me.

"Wait, I wanna hang out with you sometime." He said and I froze.

Did he just say what I think he said?

Does he want to hang out with me? A crazy ex-girlfriend who vandalized an ex's car and got arrested next to him. I'm pretty sure that's a turn off for most men.

"Uhm, okay? When?" I asked, fidgeting under his stare.

"Saturday, here's my number, text me your address and I'll pick you up at seven." He commented and wrote his number on my hand. I tried my hardest to ignore the way his hand felt on mine. It was nerve-wracking, having a hot guy touch your hand.

"Mkay, classy," I said and quickly retreated before he could see my boiling face. Goodness I lost my cool.

I never react to guys like that, girls maybe, but not guys! Although he is older and more attractive so maybe that's why. I don't know, but it happened. Not sure how I feel about it either.

Aw man, I lost my coffee! That was the only thing I was looking forward to since it was Monday. I also have to work tonight and to say I'm excited would be an overstatement.

Sure it's all jolly but Monday's are when the creeps come in and they host fights. They're legal, of course, but I hate seeing people get beat up until their whole body is purple or they're not breathing.

Why the cops decided to make it legal is beyond me; it's by far the most dangerous thing in this town. Three people have died so far but the cops do nothing because it makes this town money. My uncle has tried for years to make it illegal but our city had a vote and most of the cops just ignored what was happening. So much for protecting the city.

No one knows I work there, they all think I work at the library because if they, especially Uncle Nick, found out I would be shipped off to boarding school.

I hiked my back pack further up my shoulder as I walked through the doors of my school. People are still talking about the Sex tape and always ask if it's real. You want to know how I answer them every time?

Yeah, but the Sex was really bad. He kept mumbling his mom's name under his breath.

That usually got a kick out of everyone and I'm sure that Bradley won't get laid for a while. I wonder how he looks, he must look better because a black eye would suit him very well. Really shows his bullshit attitude.

"Wassup Katy cakes?" I clicked my tongue as I saw my best friend Kate standing by our locker. We shared one and she gets annoyed because she's a clean freak while I always leave chip crumbs at the bottom of the locker.

"I told you to stop calling me that." She groaned and I laughed.

"So, you got arrested? I liked the painting on Bradley's car." She laughed and I raised an eyebrow.

"He actually showed up to school?" I asked, frowning.

What happened to hiding?

"Oh yeah, even with a black eye, saying that he was gambling with some dudes and they got angry so they decked him."

I burst out laughing causing Kate to frown, "That's the best he came up with?" I asked, wiping away my tears.

"What do you mean?"

"I gave him the black eye, kind of. I probably only hit enough to make it bruise a little but then some other guy full on decked him and it certainly wasn't because he won at gambling. That's way far from the truth."

"Who's the guy that decked him them?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I coughed.

"No one." My blush gives it away as Kate pinches my cheek.

"Did my Maya Bears meet a boy?"

I slapped her hands away from my face. I hate when she calls me that, it's only when she's teasing me. Let me tell you something, I do NOT like being teased. I'd rather be choked.

"Shut up," I mumbled lamely and opened the locker, getting everything I need.

"You gonna tell me 'bout him?" She asked, smirking at me.

I shook my head, "Nope, he's older and that's it."

"You sure?"

"Okay, we might be hanging out on Saturday, but it's nothing! He probably wants help with something." I frowned and Kate rolled her eyes, grabbing my arm to drag me to our class.

"You're so naive, Maya." She stated and I stopped.

"Am not."

She sighed, "I'm not doing this with you." She rolled her eyes and continues dragging me through the halls.

"I am Maya Benson and Maya Benson is not naive!"

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