07 | Hooded

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   "That's got to hurt," I mumbled as the guy got punched in the face.

"I'm sure it does," Jenny mumbled, rushing around the kitchen. "You sure you haven't seen it around?" She asked once again and I shook my head. She's been looking for her ring for an hour.

"Why did you take it off? Won't Michael be angry?" Michael was her fiancé and a total gentleman. She snagged up a great guy.

"If I lost it, yes, and I didn't take it off. It must have fallen." She rushed out.

"I'll go look around," I said and left the kitchen to walk towards the bathroom.

This wasn't her first time losing her ring and she always forgets she takes it off when washing her hands. And just as I thought, the ring was on the counter, shining like a bright star.

I grabbed it and walked back to her. "You left it in the bathroom again." I deadpanned and she squealed, tackling me in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She gave me a slobbery kiss on my good cheek and I groaned, wiping it.

"Never do that again," I said seriously and threw her the finger when she laughed at me.

"When is this going to be over? I want to go home." I stomped my foot and glared at the guys fighting.

"Who knows, the new guy still hasn't stepped foot into the ring and that's what all these people came for." She grumbled, staring at her phone.

I pulled mine out and texted my brother just to have some entertainment. My brother was three years younger than me and even if he is a growing teenager, he still provides me with entertainment. Although the only thing he does is bully me, then again I also bully him so...

"And nows time for the man you've all been waiting for! Jacob Witherson, AKA Reaper!" I rolled my eyes at the name and covered my ears as everyone cheered.

I leaned against the wall as a guy dressed in black with a hood on stepped foot in the ring that was set up.

I'm starting to think I should find a new job.

I'm surprised they even let me work here, I'm underage and serve people alcohol, which if you've ever tried to get a job at a restaurant with a bar under 21, you'd know they usually don't allow that. Although I kind of have connections since my uncle is the police. He could easily shut this place down.

People were cheering and I got the sense that he was popular around town or out of state. Whatever it was, he was everyone's choice.

I looked at his opponent and saw that he was much larger and muscular than 'Reaper'. I looked at Jenny but she was to busy sexting her fiancé.

They're that kind of couple.

The fight went smoothly and Risha, Reapers opponent, got a couple of hits but ended up losing. What a shame, I actually liked Risha, he gave me a wendy's gift card once.

"Maya!" I heard a voice call and I looked in the direction. I saw my boss coming through the crowd with a tray of beer. "I need you to pass these out, they're free." He said and left before I could protest.

I groaned in annoyance because I was the youngest worker and yet he chose me to pass them around. I blew out a breath and offered the men beers. Most took them, most elbowed me, most tested my patience.

One more second and everyone's going to die!

I yelped when someone slapped my ass. I turned around and glared at the man behind me. He winked and I grabbed a beer, tossing it on him. His cocky expression faded and was replaced with anger, while the smelly substance ran down his face and seeped into his shirt. "Bastard," I mumbled and walked away. I decided that I should just leave, it's not like John would notice.

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