Killing James

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Dani's POV

I was put in my room and listen to Bella argue with Charlie. I pretend to sleep as Charlie checks on me. He left and Emmet appears in my window. I smile and jump out the window. We race after Bella's truck and jump into the bed of it. Startling Bella, good thing Edward is driving.

"It's alright. It's just Dani and Emmett" Edward assures her. "Alice is in the car behind us" he adds as Bella catches her breath. She then looks at me horrified.

"Dani, get in here right now. Before you hurt yourself!" she demands.

"I'm fine Bella" I assure her.

"Don't worry, I got her" Emmett adds. Bella looks out the window as we drive through town. Good thing no one sees us. We soon arrive at the Cullens house. Bella grabs me and holds my hand as we head for the house.

We enter the house and Laurent appears on the stairs. I eye him as the other three surround Bella and I. Growling in their defensive positions. Suddenly Carlisle appears. "He came to warn us. About James" he tells us and the others relax. "Emmet, Alice take Dani to the garage" he states and Emmet picks me up.

But I get our of his arms and rush over to Laurent. Compelling him to forget about me. Before Emmet picks me up again. He flashes to the garage with Alice before Laurent could see me again.

"Dani, what are you here sweetie?" Esme asks me concerned.

"Yes, Alice told you we'd handle it" Jasper states.

"Bella is my sister, if she's in danger. I'm going to be there to help protect her" I tell them firmly. "I may be in a child's body, but I am over a hundred years old. I can handle myself" I state.

"She's not going to change her mind, she'll be safe with Bella" Alice tells the others. They sigh in defeat as Carlisle, Edward and Bella join us.

"So I've never had to fight one of our kind before, is it hard?" I ask Jasper curious.

"I've had to fight our kind before. We're hard to kill" he states.

"But not impossible. We'll tear him up" Edward tells us.

"We'll rip him apart with our hands, then burn the pieces" Emmet adds. Sounds gruesome.

"Please keep that talk to a minimum around Danielle please" Esme says whacking him in the head.

"I don't relish killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James" Carlisle states.

"If he doesn't get to one of us first" Rosalie grumbles.

"This is insane. You can't put yourselves in danger like this - for me" Bella states.

"To late" Rosalie tells her.

"Knock it off" I tell her looking her in the eyes and she shuts up. I turn back to Bella. "You are my sister and I'll do anything to protect you" I tell her. "Besides we out number them, four to one" I remind her.

"Your a half squirt" Emmet tells me and I roll my eyes at him. After some the debate, it was decide Alice would take Bella and I south with Jasper. Promising to keep her thoughts to herself. I tell Bella about some of my history. We soon reach Phoenix and book into a hotel waiting to hear from the others.

"Do you have any fighting experience at all?" Jasper asks me.

"Not really, never had to fight" I tell him honestly. "Just compel and leave" I state.

"If the tracker heads our way, stay close to Alice with Bella" he tells me. I nod my head. Bella had fallen asleep on the journey and we placed her on the bed. Alice ordered her food for when she woke up. Soon Bella wakes up and she ignores the food.

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