Day With the Cullens

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Danielle's POV

"Thank you so much for doing this Carlisle" Charlie says as I stand next to him pretending to be sick. It's just before dawn and Carlisle is picking me up for my day with his family. Saying Bella deserves a day off looking after me, so she can enjoy the sun.

"It's no problem, Esme will drop her off after dinner" Carlisle tells him.

"Danni, remember to take your medicine and don't over do it" Charlie tells me.

"Yes daddy" I say with a small smile. He kisses my forehead and I hop into Carlisle's car. Once we were out of sight I hop into the front seat. "So what's on the agenda today?" I ask him curious.

"You shouldn't do that while the car is moving" he tells me. "Anyway Alice has organized the day" he adds. "So how old were you when you were turned?" he asks me curious.

"Nine, I've told Charlie I'm seven though" I tell him. "Figured I could be here four a few years before I had to move on again" I state.

"It must be hard, always having to leave and never having a forever family" he states.

"It is, sometimes I wish I died with Mummy. But she'd want me to be happy and enjoy life. So that's what I promised myself to do" I explain. We arrive at the Cullen's house and go inside.

"Finally" Emmet says.

"So I've planned the day, first we'll all go hunting together" Alice states.

"Good, I've been wanting to try your family diet since I discovered you could survive on animal blood" I state. I remove my contacts and sigh in content. "So wants the hunting plan?" I ask.

"We'll be divided into two groups, hunt separately and meet up on the cloud bank afterwards" Edward explains.

"You'll go with Rosalie, Emmet and Jasper" Alice tells me.

"Fine with me" I state and we set off. Emmet and Jasper lead our group. I hang back with Rosalie. "So no hard feelings about yesterday? I was only defending myself" I tell her.

"Of course there's no hard feelings" she assures me with a smile. "What was your mother like?" she asks me.

"She was beautiful; hair a chestnut brown, emerald green eyes and I have many of her features. She always told me though that I got my eyes from my father" I tell her. "He was never there, he died before I was born" I add.

"Girls, we find a bear" Emmet states.

"Emmet, Danni is not experienced enough for a bear" Rosalie tells him annoyed.

"I told him that" Jasper tells her.

"She's here to learn right, so watch and learn Danni" Emmet tells me. We sit back as he stalks the bear. He jumps onto it's back and holds on tightly as it tries to through him off. When the bear slowed down, Emmet sunk his fangs into it's shoulder. He drank quickly and then jumped off as the bear ran off. "See, easy" he boasts.

"Is there a particular animal you wish to try?" Rosalie asks me.

"I had deer as a human and liked it, can we find a deer?" I ask her.

"I saw deer tracks ahead" Jasper states. He leads the way. We find a deer herd. "We'll catch them, today you need only observe, listen and learn" he tells me. I nod my head and jump into a tree for a better vantage point.

As I watched Jasper lead the hunt as they circled the herd. The herd didn't know they were there until it was to late. Jasper caught a doe while Rosalie caught it's foal and Emmet caught a young buck. I join them as they restrain the animals. "Bite the base of the neck and drink slowly" Rosalie tells me.

I do as she says and drink a few mouthfuls. It tasted different to human blood. But it tastes similar to what I remember deer tasting like. I release it and I notice the others have already eaten. They release the deer and the run away. Rosalie gives me a cloth and I wipe my mouth clean.

"Race you all to the cloud bank" I tell them smiling and take off. They follow quickly. It was so much fun racing with them through the woods. I felt so free being with them. Jasper wins as I mock wrestle Emmett.

"Oh no she's got me!" he shouts as I tackle him to the ground laughing.

"You all seem to be getting along" Esme says as the others arrive.

"I saw Emmett wrestle a bear, we then had deer" I tell her smiling.

"Honestly Emmett" Alice says with an eye roll.

"Did you like the deer?" Edward asks me.

"It was nice" I state as I get off Emmett. "I think I could do the animal diet, but I have to try other animals first. Deer can't be found in every country" I add.

"I'm glad you're trying it" Carlisle says with a smile.

"I heard there'll be a thunderstorm next week, anyone feel like a baseball game?" Esme asks.

"Like you have to ask" Jasper says as they all smile.

"You all play baseball?" I ask curious.

"Sure do, whenever there's a thunder storm" Emmet states.

"I've never played, but I would like to try it" I tell them.

"You can come with us and umpire" Alice states.

"I'd like that" I say smiling.

"We can teach you the basics during the week" Carlisle adds.

"Alice and I can get you a new outfit" Rosalie says smiling.

"Guys slow down, we can only do this is Danni doesn't erase our memories of her being a vampire" Edward states. I look down in deep thoughts. I had been having so much fun, I forgot why I'm here with them today.

"How about we all go home and watch a movie" Esme suggests. We all agree and return to their house. I look around it longingly, they didn't have to hide here. They'll never lose each other and will be a family forever. It can only get bigger. Would they accept me into the family? Or would I be to much of a risk? The Volturi would kill them all if we were caught. I wouldn't want them to die because of me.

But I think while they are here. We can be friends, with no secrets. At least until they have to move on. "What do you want to watch Danni?" Rosalie asks me.

"Lilo and Stitch please" I answer. Jasper puts it on as Emmett appears with two bowls of buttered popcorn. We all settle down as the movie starts and enjoy the movie. We watch two other movies before it was time for me to leave. "I had a lot of fine today, I've decided not to erase your memories until you decide to leave" I tell them.

"This is going to be so much fun" Alice says smiling.

"Thank you Danni, know you are always welcome here" Esme tells me.

"If you ever need anything or just need someone to talk to. We're all here" Carlisle adds.

"I'll remember that, thank you all for today. I hope we have many others before you leave" I state. With that Esme takes me home and I go up to my room. I start to read a book while relaxing on my bed.


Picture above of Danielle with the Cullens and on the external link of the Cullen's house.

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