Bella Meets the Cullens

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Danielle's POV

Edward saved Bella from a group of drunk guys in Port Angles. She'd gone with her two friends to help them pick out dresses for prom. She left them alone. Anyway Edward and Bella started dating. I'm happy for them.

Anyway today I am hanging out with Alice and Jasper. We went hunting and I picked some flowers for Esme. "Awe she'll love them" Alice tells me. I smile back at her.

"Are you sure it's wise for me to be there when Bella meets your family? With her knowing about vampires and all?" I ask her concerned. Yeah, Bella found out about vampires shortly after her trip to Port Angles.

"It'll be fine" she assures me.

"Besides she's your sister and she loves you" Jasper adds.

"Ok then, race back to the house?" I ask them. They nod their head. We take off running towards the house. Alice won and we decide to enter the kitchen by the window.

"Hi Bella" Alice says as she enters the house first. I follow behind Jasper as she hugs Bella. "I'm Alice, you do smell good" she states as she pulls away.

"Alice" I say.

"Don't worry Dani, Bella and I are going to be great friends" Alice tells me.

"Dani, why are you here?" Bella asks me shocked.

"I'll explain later" I tell her and she nods her head. She looks at Jasper beside me.

"And you're Jasper, right?" Bella asks.

"Pleasure to meet you" he says.

"You won't hurt her Jasper" Alice tells him.

"Forgive Jasper, he's one of our newest vegetarians. It's a little difficult for him" Carlisle tells Bella.

"Then should he be really next to Dani?" Bella asks concerned.

"I'm perfectly safe Bella" I assure.

"How do you even know about them? I never told you" she says confused. I look at Alice and she nods her head. I remove my contact lens. Showing her my amber red eyes, that nearly match Jasper's now. "You're one? Are you even my little sister?" she asks me.

"Well technically I am older then you and we aren't blood related. But Charlie does believe that I'm his long lost daughter" I tell her.

"How?" she asks.

"My power, I can make people think whatever I want. I made him believe I was his daughter and the rest is history" I explain. "You aren't made are you? I've never had an older sister as kind as you Bella" I tell her.

"This is a lot to process" Bella states.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour of the house" Edward says grabbing her hand. She nods her head and he leads her out of the room.

"That went better then I thought it would" I tell the others and they all nod their heads in agreement.

"You, clean this up" Esme orders Rosalie pointing at a broken salad bowl on the floor. Rosalie goes to get the dust pan. I approach Esme with the flowers I'd picked.

"I picked these for you" I say holding the flowers out to her.

"They're lovely, thank you Dani" she says smiling. She accepts them and Alice appears with a glass for them. Esme puts the flowers in them and puts some water in it.

"So Dani, us girls are having a girls night" Alice tells me.

"You know movies, nails and books" Esme says.

"Sounds fun, I'll come over once Charlie and Bella are asleep" I tell them. A couple hours later Bella said it was time to go home. So I get in the back of Edward's car while she got into the front passenger seat. "So are we cool Bella?" I ask her.

"As long as you don't hurt Charlie, we're cool" she tells me.

"Great, I'm having a girls night at the Cullens once you and Charlie are asleep. I'd love if you cover for me sometimes" I tell her.

"Sure, just don't ever use your mind trick thing on me" she states.

"Deal" I say with a smile. Edward drives us home. I go inside first leaving Bella alone to say good bye to Edward. Later that night I went to the Cullens. I find the girls in the living room. "SO what first?" I ask them.

"You ever play baseball?" Rosalie asks me.

"No, why?" I ask curious.

"There's a thunder storm coming and it's the only time we can play" Alice explains.

"Would you like to join us?" Esme asks me.

"Sure, but you'll have to explain the rules to me" I tell them. They agree to and we start to watch Hairspray. While doing each others nails. Rosalie doing mine while Esme did Alice's. We hang out all night until I had to return home before Charlie woke up for work.


Pictures above of Edward introducing Bella to the Cullens.

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