Living in Volterra

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Dani's POV

I've been living here for two weeks. I get along with most of the high level guards. Though they were all unsure of me in the beginning. I believe they are warming up to me. I've meet the Volturi queens and they love buying me things & doing my hair. I visit them every Sunday for afternoon tea with them and their female guards.

Alec and I are now an official couple. I have my own bedroom, walk in robe and bathroom. The Cullens shipped my things over and promised to send me an invite to Bella and Edward's wedding. Which hasn't arrived yet.

"I'm sure it'll arrive soon mio amore" Alec assures me.

"I just wish you could come with" I tell him. "But it'd look suspicious" I state.

"I know" he says. "So what's on the agenda for today? I'm off duty until tonight" he states.

"Well I have no training today, so we can spend all day here" I tell him as we lounge on my bed.

"I like the sound of that mio amore" he says looking at me with lustful eyes.

"Not doing that" I say avoiding his eyes, glad that I can't blush.

"Dani, I hope I'm not being to forward with this question. But are you a virgin?" he asks me. I nod my head and he kisses my forehead. "So am I" he tells me.

"But you've been alive for centuries" I say shocked.

"I've done some things, but have never gone all the way. I was saving myself for my mate" he states.

"Same" I tell him and he smiles.

"We'll take things as slow as you want" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say and there's a knock on my door. He growls burying his head in my hair. "Enter" I say and Felix appears. "Can we help you?" I ask him.

"The kings request your presence Dani" he tells me.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alec asks me.

"No, I'll be fine" I tell him. "Go see your sister, I'll find you later" I tell him. He nods his head kissing me sweetly before leaving. I follow Felix to the throne room.

(Ten minutes earlier in the Throne room) Third Persons POV

Sofia the newest human receptionist went to the throne room to deliver a letter to the kings. "What is it?" Caius asks her.

"A letter for Daniela has arrived from her family" Sofia states. Aro takes it.

"Ah the wedding invite she's been waiting for" Aro says smiling. "Felix, please go get her" he instructs. Felix bows and leaves. "You mat leave Sofia, return to your duties" he states.

"Yes Master" she says with a bow before leaving. Happy that she didn't die. The kings went for Felix to return with Dani.

Dani's POV

"Do you know way they've summoned me?" I ask Felix.

"Something to do with a letter" he tells me and I nod my head. "How are you enjoying your stay with us?" he asks me curious.

"I'm getting used to things, though I wish I no longer had to hide" I tell him honestly. "I understand why I have to, but it sucks" I state.

"It'll get better" he assures me. "They might change the law" he tells me.

"I doubt it, I was always an obedient happy child. I've never really ever been angry or upset. I wouldn't of chosen this life at my age. Maybe if I was older, I would over. But not as a nine year old" I tell him. "The nomad studied me for weeks, before his hand was forced" I state.

"Still, if others your age can be turned and taught to keep the secret. Maybe the age of turning will change" he states. We reach the throne room and enter.

"Welcome Daniela" Aro says with a smile.

"How has your day been?" Marcus asks me.

"It's been nice, I was with Alec" I state. "You summoned me" I say.

"This came for you" Aro says handing me a letter. I open it and squeal.

"It's the wedding invite" I tell them happily. "It's set to happen in six weeks time and Bella has asked me to be flower girl" I state. "Can I please go?" I plead.

"What do you think brother?" Caius asks Marcus.

"They are her family, what do you think Aro?" Marcus asks.

"You may go, if you pretend to be human" Aro tells me. "No doubt the Denali coven has been invited as they are close friends with the Cullens. They can't know what you are" he states.

"I understand, I promise to not reveal what I am to them" I tell him.

"Then you may go and spend a few days with them" he tells me.

"Oh thank you, thank you so much" I tell them.

"You must keep up your training" Caius tells me.

"I will" I assure him. "I must call Alice or Bella, let them know I'm coming and when to expect me" I state.

"Go, make your preparations and enjoy the rest of your day off" Aro tells me. I bow and leave. I follow Alec's scent to the theater room. I see him watching Jurassic Park with Demetri and Jane.

"The invite came, I'm going to Forks in six weeks" I tell them as I sit on Alec's lap.

"That's great, we have to go shopping for your dress" Jane tells me. Before I can say anything Alice calls.

"Hey Alice, I just got the invite" I tell her.

"I know, also I already got you a dress. You only need accessories and shoes" she tells me.

"Of course you did" I say with a smile. "Anyway I'll arrive a day before the wedding and spend a few days there afterwards" I tell her.

"We all look forward to seeing you" she tells me. "Also the dress is purple" she adds.

"Got it" I tell her. "See you all in six weeks, love you all" I say knowing the others are listening in.

"We love you too, see you then" they all say and we hang up.

"So when do you want to go shopping?" Jane asks me.

"In a couple of day. We should bring Heidi along" I tell her. She nods her head.

"I'll miss you" Alec tells me.

"I know, but we have six weeks to spend as much time together as possible" I tell him.

"I plan on making the most of it" he tells me kissing my neck making me giggle.

"Get a room you two" Demetri tells us.

"We're in one" Alec tells him.

"Guys, lets just enjoy the movie" Jane tells us. We all agree and I lean back into Alec. As the movie continues. We decide to have a Jurassic Park marathon. Before Alec and I went to have some alone time before his shift. I then relaxed on my bed reading a Harry Potter book. Smiling at the thought of seeing my family again.


Picture above of Dani's bedroom and bathroom. Picture on the external link of the wedding invite.

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