New Family

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Dani's POV

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Dani's POV

So Bella left with Alice for Italy to go save Edward. I made Alice forget me again. When I tried to do the same to Bella. It didn't work. I just pray Aro won't be able to read her thoughts, like Edward can't. I got back to packing. Still wanting to join the Cullens.

"Why are you packing?" Jacob asks me.

"I thought you left" I state.

"Bella asked me to watch over you until she returns" he states.

"Well I don't need protection" I tell him. "As for your question. I'm moving out. I am going to making everyone in town forget Dani Swan and replace her with Danielle Cullen. I've lost themm once, I won't lose them again" I tell him.

"But why?" he asks me.

"Do you know how hard it is for me?" I ask him. "Going from family to family for the last century. Never having a true home?" I ask him. "The Cullens will finally give me that" I tell him. "I won't have to ever leave them" I state.

"But everyone believes you're a Swan" he states.

"Not for long, my power is compulsion. You saw me use it on Alice. I can do the same to everyone else" I tell him. "It'll be a long night" I say with a sigh. "Can you get the pack and everyone on the reserve to keep my secret of changing families?" I ask him.

"Maybe, I'd have to ask Sam and the elders" he states.

"Please do, I'm not allowed on your land" I remind him. I get back to packing and Jake left to get his car. Soon I have everything packed. Charlie arrives him.

"Dani, it's way past your bed time" he tells me.

"I'm sorry Charlie" I tell him. I look into his eyes. "You never had a second daughter. Dani Swan never existed. But Danielle Cullen did, Bella used to babysit her. Before the Cullens left" I say compelling him. Then leave and stay hidden in the woods. Until I hear Jacob's car.

"The pack agreed to keep your secret and everyone on the reserve will do the same" he tells me.

"Great, but I still have to compel everyone in Forks" I state. "I already did Charlie and everyone on this street" I tell him. He nods his head. So he drove through out town and I compelled everyone. It was exhausting.

"Where to now?" Jacob asks me.

"The Cullens house" I tell him. "Once I drop my stuff off, then I'll have to hunt" I state. He drives me to the end of the road leading to their house. I grab my things. "Thanks for helping me" I tell him. "I'll call when Bella returns" I add.

"Thanks" he says before driving off. I race to the house. I put my things in the living room. Then go to hunt. When I get back I see the rest of the Cullens in the living room looking at my things confused.

"You're finally back!" I cheer and run to hug Esme. "I've missed you guys so much" I tell them smiling. They look at me shocked. "Right, your memories" I say. I look into Jasper's eyes "now you remember" I say. I repeat it with everyone else.

"Dani!" Rosalie cheers. Speeding over to me and picking me up. Hugging me tightly.

"Why are you here Dani?" Carlisle asks me confused.

"Well if it's ok with you lot, can I join your family?" I ask them.

"What about Charlie and Bella?" Esme asks me.

"Charlie no longer believes I'm his daughter. That I'm yours and only went to house when Bella looked after me. That I left with you guys" I tell them.

"What about everyone else in town?" Emmet asks me.

"They believe it too" I tell them. "The pack and elders promised no one of the reserve would mention me once being a Swan" I state.

"That's must of been hard" Jasper says.

"It was exhausting, I just got back from a hunt and am feeling refreshed" I tell him. "So can I join your family?" I ask Carlisle and Esme.

"I don't know, think we have room for one more Esme?" Carlisle asks as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"I think we do" Esme says.

"Welcome to the family little sister" Emmet says giving me a bear hug.

"Anyway, Bella and Alice should be arriving in Italy soon" I state. "When they return with Edward, I'll return Edward and Alice's memories. Then we'll be a family" I tell them smiling.

"What about Bella?" Esme asks me.

"I'll fill her in when they return" I state.

"We have to design your room" Rosalie states.

"Alice won't like us doing that without her" I tell her. "How about we pick a room and we can design it when the others return?" I suggest. She nods her head.

"Well we have a lot to catch up on" Emmet states.

"Then lets do that" I tell them. We all sit down. Me on Carlisle's lap. We all catch up on the last six months. Before having a movie marathon. When Edward and Alice return with Bella. I return their memories. Then Edward went to go tell Bella about my decision. Before bringing her over for a vote. I voted yes in turning her into a vampire, at least we'd be sisters again. Only Rosalie said no. So Bella is going to be turned after her graduation.


Picture above of the Cullens and picture in chapter of Danielle.

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