Car Accident

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Danielle's POV

It's been a week since Bella arrived and it's our second week of school. Honestly I'm already tired of it, only thing that keeps it interesting is Ginny. Bella has been whining about Edward though since their first class together. Apparently he had his mouth and nose covered for the entire lesson. Then practically ran out of class and tried to change subjects. And now he hasn't been at school.

Looks like someone found their blood singer and is having trouble control his thirst around her. Lucky bastard. But I'm sure he'll return soon as his coven is still here. And no doubt he'll try to talk to Bella on his return.

Anyway dad got new tires for Bella's truck. As the olds ones were getting bold and due to the weather. That has gotten colder and wetter. There's even some ice on the ground. Bella slipped on the ice this morning and I giggled.

School was boring as usual, worse with Ginny home sick. I didn't go spend lunch with Bella as usual as I wanted to check out my school's library. They had some decent books. I borrowed two. Anyway the school day ended and I'm on my way to meet Bella.

I spot her by her truck reading and dash over. "Car's on with the heater" she tells me and I hope in. She goes to put her book away. Suddenly there's a loud screech of tires sliding on the road. I look to see Tyler losing control of his van as it heads straight for us.

"Bella!" I shout as she looks at it. The van is about to hit Bella's truck, with her standing in between them. When suddenly, something knocks Bella down, pinning her to the ground. She looks up Edward is on top of her.I sigh in relief as he pushes the van away with his hand, leaving a dent in it. Along with a dent in the bed of Bella's truck.

Bella looks into Edward's eyes shocked. I hear the others getting closer as Edward leaves. Time to act like a scared child. "Bella!" I whimper forcing tears into my eyes.

"Oh my god, Dani!" she shouts getting up and looking at me. "Are you ok?" she asks me worried. I nod my head numbly as the others surrounded us.

"Are you okay!? Are you What happened!? Did anyone hurt?" Eric and Mike ask as Mike helps me out of the truck. He passes me to Bella and I hug her tightly burying my head into her shoulder whimpering.

"I called 911" Jessica tells us. Tyler apologizes to Bella and I. Soon an ambulance arrives and takes all three of us to the hospital. Bella and I sit on a bed together as Tyler is on one next to us. I'd been given a bear to hug, along with a red lollipop.

Just then Charlie rushes in. "Daddy" I say and he picks me up holding me close.

"Are you both alright?" he asks us and I nod my head as I hug him.

"I'm fine, dad. Calm down" Bella tells him.

"I'm so sorry Danni, Bella. I tried to stop" Tyler says again. Honestly I'm tired of his apologies.

"It's okay, Tyler" Bella assures him.

"It sure as hell is not okay, you can kiss your license goodbye" Charlie tells Tyler.

"Dad, it's not his fault..." Bella tries to say.

"Bella, we nearly lost you both" Charlie tells her sternly. Just then Doctor Cullen enters room with a clip board.

"I heard the Chief's daughters were here" he says smiling. The E. R doctor left. Dr. Cullen reviews our charts, then feels the back of Bella's head. "You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion" he states.

"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really..." Tyler starts to say. Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between them. Finally, he was really getting on my nerves.

"It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way" Bella tells them.

"Edward, your boy?" Charlie asks.

"It was amazing he got to us so fast" I tell him smiling.

"He was nowhere near us" Bella adds.

"As long as you're safe" Carlisle says. "I'll prescribe her a couple of pain meds, but she just needs rest. She'll be and Danni has no injuries, just in shock. I think all she needs is hot chocolate" he states.

"With marshmallows?" I ask with my puppy eyes.

"With marshmallows" he agrees nodding his head as he chuckles. "I have some other patients to tend too. But if you go to reception, there'll be some forms to fill out for their release. And I'll make sure they have Bella's prescription" he explains.

"Thanks Doctor Cullen" Charlie says shaking his hand. Carlisle leaves and Bella grabs her bag as Charlie grabs mine. We leave the room together as I hold Charlie's hand."I just have to sign some paperwork. You better call your mom" he tells Bella.

"You told her?! She's probably freaking" Bella tells him. She takes out her phone as he leads me to the reception desk. I start to eat my lollipop as Charlie signs the paperwork and is given Bella's prescription.

Bella meets us outside and Charlie drives us both home. Charlie made me a hot chocolate with marshmallows. While Bella went to do her homework in her room. That night we ordered pizza and watched Harry Potter. Where I pretend to fall asleep leaning against Charlie and he took my to my room. He tucked me in and I went until I hear them both asleep. Before reading the books I'd borrowed from the library.


Gif above of Edward stopping the van and picture on the external link of Dani's outfit.

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