Meeting Alec

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(Clearing) Third Persons POV

The wolf pack just left shortly after Bella and Edward arrived with a badly injured Jacob. Jane, Demetri and Felix exit the treeline. Alice has a vision and shares a shocked look with Edward. While the rest of the coven looks very concerned that Alec is missing from the group. Jane and Alec go everywhere together. They are never apart. So where is Alec? Alice texts Dani out of view of the guard.

Dani's POV

I just finished packing up the campsite when I feel someone else's presence near by. I frown in confusion. Maybe I shouldn't of taken off my human disguise. Because whoever it was, it wasn't family. I get a text and look at my phone.

It's a member of the Volturi elite guard. Don't be afraid, everything will be fine Alice

I take a deep calming breath and smell an amazing scent. "Mate" I whisper. I hear a twig snap and turn to see a red eyed vampire. He looked no older then thirteen. It must be Alec. He looks at me shocked.

"Please, let me explain before you jump to conclusions" I plead. I don't want to use my gift on him. He's my mate.

"Explain, quickly mio amore" he tells me. If I was human, I'd be blushing at him calling me his love.

"My name is Danielle, I was turned a century ago by a nomad when I was nine. I ran from him, making him forget he created me and about my existence with my gift. I returned to my mother, where I lived with her happily for the next several months. Without revealing what I was. When she died I left to search for a new family. Before I meet the Cullens I lived on blood bags. But then I adopted the animal diet shortly after meeting them and joined their coven. I finally had a real family" I tell him.

"But why didn't Aro see you in Edward's mind?" he asks me.

"My gift is mind compulsion. It allows me to influence and control thoughts, emotions, and behavior and can alter or erase memories. I erased the Cullens memories of me when they left Forks. I returned them after the incident in Volterra and joined their coven" I explain.

"I'm scared" I tell him.

"Of what?" he asks me as he puts some of m hair behind my ear.

"My existence is illegal, it's why I've been running for the last century. I know what the Volturi do to Immortal Children. I don't want to die" I tell him as venom fills my eyes.

"I won't let that happen" he tells me.

"How can you stop it? Only the Volturi kings can and they hate immortal children. They believe we couldn't be taught, that we can't control our thirst or keep the vampire secret. They believe we're a threat, they won't spare me" I tell him.

"They will, you've proven you can keep our secret. I can convince them to give you a fair trail. You will be spared" he tells me.

"I never thought I'd find you" I tell him honestly.

"Same here" he tells me.

"We have to speak to my family and make a plan" I tell him.

"Lets go, I want you to meet my sister" he tells me smiling.

"What if they don't like me?" I ask him.

"They will like you" he assures me and kisses my forehead. "Lead the way" he tells me as he picks up the tent bag. I grab the clothes one. Then take off and he follows. I decide to make it a game and tag him. "Oh I'll get you" he says with a playful growl. I giggle as we continue to run.

I take to the trees as he dives trying to catch me. "To slow" I sing. He glares at me playfully and we continue the game. As we reach the hill behind my house he tackles me. We roll down it and I land on top of him. Us both laughing.

"Caught you mio amore" he tells me.

"That you did" I say smiling. He helps me to my feet. I run inside and hug my family. "I'm glad you're all ok, guess what?" I ask them excitedly.

"What is it sweetheart?" mum asks me.

"I found my mate!" I cheer as Alec enters.

"Alec, where have you been?" a feminine voice asks.

"Who's the child?" a deep male voice asks.

"She's my mate" Alec tells the three guards smiling. "I know what she is, but look at her eyes. Let her explain" he pleads. They look at my golden amber eyes shocked.

"Don't react, let me explain" I say compelling them. They don't react and I explain everything. Including my gift. Once I was done, Jane hugs me.

"I have a sister" she says.

"Caius, won't be happy about this" Felix states.

"I have a plan" Alice states. "Alec, you'll go with Felix and Demetri back to Volterra. Tell the kings of your mate and show Aro your memories of her. Jane will arrive a day later with Dani" she states.

"Are you sure Alice?" Rosalie asks her concerned.

"This is dangerous, she could die" Jasper says.

"She won't, I've seen it. If you do as I say, everything will work out fine" Alice state.

"I don't want to leave Danielle" Alec states.

"I don't want to leave you either Alec, but it's only for a day. Then we can be together forever" I tell him.

"I love the sound of that mio amore" he tells me.

"So, then we're agreed? You'll go back with Felix and Demetri. I'll follow with Danielle, I'll take care of her Alec" Jane assures him.

"I have one more thing to do before you leave" I tell them. They all look at me confused. "Proof of my gift, it may help my case" I state. "So who wants to forget me temporarily?" I ask looking at Demetri and Felix.

"I'll do it" Felix states.

"When do we leave?" Alec asks.

"The plane leaves from Port Angeles in three hours" Demetri states.

"Well then, why don't we all get to know each other better?" I suggest. As we all enter the living room. I sit down and Alec sits beside me. Wrapping an arm around my waist. I smile and snuggle into his side as Jane sits on my other side. I hear about how the twins, Demetri and Felix all became vampires & joined the Volturi. I tell them more about my life as an immortal child.

When it came time for the boys to leave. I compelled Felix to forget me. Before disappearing into my room. Jane soon joined me. We spent the rest of the night swapping stories. Her telling me some embarrassing ones about Alec. It felt nice having a vampire closer to my age. I hope Jane finds her mate in future. That I survive meeting the Volturi Kings.


Pictures above Jane and Alec in my story. Turned age thirteen. Picture on the external link of Felix and Demetri.

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