Bella Swan

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Danielle's POV

Today is the day Bella is arriving. Charlie and I are going to the airport to collect her. Lucky I don't need a child seat. But I don't like being stuck in the back seat, just because I'm pretending to be seven. If I was twelve I could sit in the front seat.

I have my new contacts in and made sure to have a blood bag this morning. Speaking of, Charlie was told blood bags went missing from the hospital and is having Waylon investigate it. Of course, from what I've heard. He's had no luck finding the culprit. They never will unless someone saw that nurse in the blood storage area and squealed.

Anyway Charlie parks in the Port Angeles airport car park. "You ready to meet your sister?" he asks me.

"I'm nervous" I tell him in a soft voice. "What if she won't play with me? What if she hates me?" I ask pretending to whimper.

"Hey, she'll love you" he assures me. "I'm sure she'll play with you, when she's not doing school work" he adds.

"Promise?" I ask giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Promise" he says smiling. We get out of the car and he wraps an arm around my shoulders. He guides us to the terminal where Bella was suppose to come out of. We look up at the flight board to see her plane had landed and were disembarking now. "Let's go to baggage claim" he tells me and I agree.

We go there and he looks around as a group of people collect their bags. Keeping a hold of my hand. "Do you see her?" I ask him.

"Bella!" he calls and a seventeen year old girl walks over to us. She has brown hair and brown eyes. As well as nearly as pale as a vampire. But she's definitely human.

"Dad" she says in greeting.

"Bells, this is your little sister Danni" Charlie tells her. I cling to his side acting shy. She looks down at me and I wave my hand shyly.

"Nice to meet you" Bella says.

"You got everything?" Charlie asks her.

"Yes" she says and he takes her suitcase. He starts to lead us back to the car park.

"Danni, please take Bella to the car while I pay for the parking" he tells me. I nod my head and grab her free hand. He gives Bella the keys and I lead her away.

"So how are you doing? Living with Charlie?" Bella asks me.

"Ok, but I miss mummy" I tell her.

"What happened? If it's ok for me to know" she says.

"She died of a disease, she tried to fight it. But she lost" I whimper. She pulls me into her arms hugging me tight.

"It'll be ok, Charlie and I won't leave you" she assures me.

"Thank you Bella, you know I always wanted a sister" I tell her as we continue heading for the car.

"Same" she says smiling.

"Will you play with me? And help me study? Will you take me to your school?" I ask her.

"Sure, but I may not be able to take you to my school" she tells me. "But if we have lunch at the same time. You can join me for lunch at my school as they're right next to each other" she states. I cheer and we reach the car. She unlocks the car and we get in, her being in the front passenger seat. Charlie soon arrives and puts her suitcase in the back.

He then drives us back to Forks. We arrive home and Charlie shows Bella to her room. While I decide to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I've read all the books and can't wait until the next movie comes out later this year. Though I prefer the books.

I soon hear a familiar voices outside as Charlie comes downstairs. I get up and run outside. "Jakey!" I cheer launching myself into his arms. "My sister is here, she's so pretty!" I tell him giddily.

"We came to give her a present" he tells me. Just then Bella comes outside.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black?" Charlie asks her.

"Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming. Neither had little Danni" Billy states.

"Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill" Charlie says playfully.

"Not if I ram you in the ankles" Billy retorts smiling. Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. Jacob shakes his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches Bella.

"I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids" he tells her.

"Yeah, I remember" she tells him.

"Can we make mud pies?" I ask innocently and they chuckle. Bella looks at Billy and Charlie.

"Are they always like this?" she asks us.

"It's getting worse with old age" Jake tells her and I giggle. Charlie walks over patting the old red truck. While Billy rolls over.

"What do you think?" he asks her.

"Of what?" Bella asks him confused.

"You're home coming present" he tells her and she looks at the truck in shock.

"This?" she asks in awe.

"Just bought it off Billy, here" Charlie tells her.

"I rebuilt the engine" Jake tells her.

"This is perfect" she tells them smiling as she hops into the driver's seat. Jake gets in beside her telling her how to start the car. Billy and Jake stay for a little while. Bella, Jake and I playing a game of Uno. But they left around dinner time and Charlie made us spaghetti. He then made Bella and I go to bed. I pretend to sleep until I hear them both asleep. I decide to reread the Harry Potter books. I wonder if the new one will actually be more like the book.


Picture above of Bella with Charlie and on the external link of Jacob with Billy.

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