Alice Returns

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Dani's POV

It's been five days since Bella found out about the shifters. I'm so glad we have no more secrets. Bella is back to spending a lot of time at the reserve. Which I'm fine with. Though Charlie told her to take me. He believes she does, but she doesn't. Not all the time. I can only go if Sam gives me permission. Otherwise I spend the day at home alone or go hiking. Avoiding Charlie's hunting party and Victoria. I'd meet Bella on the road and she'd take us home.

Though today Bella and I are actually at home. But Bella went to the diner to get herself food. While I lounge on the couch playing a game boy. When I hear the door open. "That was fast Bella" I say as I continue to play my game.

She doesn't answer back and I frown pausing my game. "Bella!" I call as I get off the couch. "Daddy, that you?" I ask. Still no answer and I take a deep breath smelling a familiar scent and frown in confusion. "I know your there, come out. Before I call my dad, he's the sheriff" I state.

I hear someone in and hall. I zoom over and grab them. Pinning them against the wall. "Alice!" I cheer and hug her tightly. She freezes. "Oh right you don't remember me" I giggle. I look into her amber eyes with my own and she looks at me shocked. "Now you remember" I say and I see recognition and she hugs me.

"Dani!" she says.

"I can't believe you're back, are the others here?" I ask her excitedly. "Did Edward change his mind?" I ask her.

"Dani, where's Bella?" she asks me.

"She went to get herself food, why? Did you have a vision?" I ask her concerned.

"I saw her jump off a cliff Dani" she tells me sadly.

"You sure she wasn't cliff diving? The pack does it for fun" I tell her.

"No, she was alone and I didn't see her resurface" she tells me. I frown, why would Bella cliff dive alone? That's dangerous. "I'm here to tell Charlie and help find her" she states. "I'm sorry Dani" she tells me.

"I just can't believe she'd do such a thing. She can't be gone Alice, she's my sister" I tell her sadly. She leads me to the couch.

"It'll be ok, you can come live with my family and I" she tells me.

"I could make Charlie and everyone here forget me" I say.

"You could have a real vampire family" she says.

"I've always wanted that" I tell her with a small smile. "I'll do it tonight, once you tell Charlie about Bella. I won't erase everything, just alter their memories of me. Make them believe I was Dani Cullen and left with your family" I state. She nods her head.

"Lets pack your stuff, I'll get things from this floor. You handle, the top floor" she tells me. I nod my head. I go upstairs and grab my bath room stuff first. Along with any pictures from Charlie and Bella's room. Deleting the ones on Bella's camera. Before going to my room to pack when I hear the door open downstairs. Strange Charlie wasn't due back for at least an hour.

"Alice!" I hear Bella yell. I race downstairs to see them hugging.

"Bella, you're alive!" I cheer.

"I heard voices, I didn't think it was you but you're alive" Alice says.

"You both keep saying that" Bella says confused.

"I saw a vision of you. You jumped off a cliff. I knew I'd be too late but...  Why the hell would you try to kill yourself?!" Alice demands becoming angry. "What about Charlie? What about Dani?" she asks her.

"I didn't. I was cliff diving, it was for fun" Bella tells her.

"Bella, even I know you not to go cliff diving alone" I tell her.

"That was fun for you?" Alice asks her.

"Until I hit the water" Bella states. Alice makes us all some hot chocolate. We then all go sit on the couch, to continue our conversation.

"I have never met anyone more prone to life-threatening idiocy" Alice tells her. "And what is that hideous wet dog smell?" she asks.

"Smells like Jacob" I tell her.

"Jacob who?" Alice asks us.

"Jacob's kind of a werewolf" Bella tells her.

"Wolf shifter" I correct her.

"Bella wolves aren't good company to keep, they' vicious" Alice tells her.

"Wolves are not vicious" Bella tells her.

"Until they lose their temper" Alice states.

"They saved me from Laurent, they're protecting me from Victoria" Bella tells her.

"Victoria?" Alice asks surprised. "I didn't see her. I didn't see you get pulled from the water either" she tells us.

"It was Jacob who saved me. More than once. I couldn't have made it without him. You have no idea what it was like" Bella tells her.

"Yes. I do. I knew leaving wouldn't be good for you. I tried to tell Edward, but he wouldn't listen" Alice tells her.

"Does he know you're here?" I ask her curious.

"No, he's been away" she states. Just then Jacob enters the room. We all look at him.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here" Bella says.

"Guess I don't care" he tells her.

"Well I'm not gonna hurt her" Alice tells him.

"No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you" Jake snaps.

"We've told her about Victoria" I tell him.

"And like I said. I didn't see her or Bella get pulled out of the water either" Alice states. "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts" she sneers.

"Don't get me upset" Jake tells her as they square off. Bella gets in between them.

"Just stop ok" she tells them.

"I'm gonna go" Alice says.

"Me too" I say as we go to head outside.

"You're not leaving right? You'll be back?" Bella asks Alice.

"As soon as you put the dog out" Alice tells her. We go wait outside. "So how have you been?" she asks me.

"I've been ok, a part of me wonders what my life would of been like. Had I left with you that day" I tell her. She goes to say something when she gets a text. She looks at it and freezes. "Alice" I say concerned and she rushes back inside. I follow her into the kitchen to see Bella with Jake still.

"Bella it's Edward" Alice tells her frantically. "He thinks your dead. Rosalie told him why I came here" she states. Bella glares at Jacob demanding to know why he didn't let her speak to Edward on the phone.

"He didn't ask for you" he tells her.

"I don't care!" she shouts.

"Bella he's going to the Volturi, he wants to die too" Alice tells her.


Picture above of Alice.

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