Victoria Sighting

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Welcome to Dani's version of Eclipse. While Victoria figure out her connection to the Cullens? What about her immortal secret? Will the Cullens be able to keep Dani safe from the Volturi guard? What about the new born vampire army? Read and find out.

Dani's POV

It's been six weeks since I became a Cullen. I'd gone to Florida and compelled Renee & Phil to forget me being Charlie's long lost daughter. It was a day trip. But it was fun spending time with Rosalie and Emmet. Recently there's been trouble in Seattle, animal attacks. But my family and I know they are actually vampire attacks.

Anyway it's Tuesday night and Alice just told us about the vision she had of Victoria coming to kill Bella. Edward and Bella will be away visiting her mother and stepfather. "But it's my birthday on Friday, how am I suppose to enjoy it without one of my brothers and with the Victoria threat?" I ask them.

"Everything will be perfect" Alice assures me. "We'll have the party in town as planned with your friends from school. Have a sleepover and they'll be home before Victoria appears. But you'll be staying with Ginny and her family while we deal with Victoria" she tells me.

"We won't let anything ruin your first birthday with us" Rosalie assures me.

"Speaking of your birthday" Carlisle says with a smile. "Happy birthday" he says handing me a gift.

"It's from all of us, an early birthday present" Esme tells me.

"Thank you" I say.

"You're suppose to open it first, then thank us" Emmet tells me chuckling. I give them all a sheepish smile. I open the gift to find a golden locket with their family crest on it.

"There's more, open it" Edward tells me. I do so and tear up. On one side of the of the locket is a picture of all the boys. On the other is us girls.

"Welcome to the family" they tell me. I hug Esme and Carlisle feeling overwhelmed with joy. I have a forever family.

"May I?" Jasper asks gesturing to the necklace. I nod my head and he takes it. Closing it and places it around my neck, clasping it into place.

"Thank you all, this means the world to me" I tell them.

"We know" they say and we share a family hug.

"Can I call you dad and mum?" I ask Carlisle and Esme hopeful.

"Of course you can" Esme says and Carlisle kisses my forehead.

"What about us little sister?" Emmet asks me.

"Brother bear, Major, pixie, big sister and physic" I say pointing to them each in turn. They awe and hug me again. "If I was human, I'd be dead from how tight you guys are squeezing me" I say with a chuckle.

"We love you" Edward tells me.

"And I love all of you, I've finally found my family. After a near century of looking" I state.

"How about a family hunt?" Emmet suggests.

"Bet I catch my dinner first" I state.

"Not a chance" Edward tells me.

"Children behave" Esme tells us.

"Yes mum, sorry mum" I say and she smiles kissing my cheek.

"Why don't you grab your coat" Rosalie tells me.

"But I don't get cold" I remind her.

"Do as your sister says" Carlisle tells me.

"Yes daddy" I say and race up to my room. I grab my jacket and race back downstairs. "I'm ready" I state. We leave and go on our family hunt. Which was a lot of fun. After we hunted, we played vampire hide and go seek. I was the best hider. But Edward cheated using his gift to find me.

(Saturday late morning)

"So, did you enjoy your party?" Esme asks me as we pack my overnight bag.

"It was great" I tell her. "Thank you" I add.

"You don't have to thank us for throwing you a party, we love showing you how much we love you" she tells me. "Now remember stay with the Aster's (Ginny's family). Your dad will collect you tomorrow morning once we're sure Victoria is dead or gone" she states.

"I know mum" I assure her. We finish packing my bag and head downstairs to see Ginny's mum talking to dad. I notice Ginny looking at the graduation caps.

"What's with the caps?" she asks me curious.

"An inside family joke" I tell her. "Ready for our sleepover?" I ask her.

"Born ready, you have no idea how annoying it is to be surrounded by boys all weekend" she tells me.

"Right you have brothers" I state.

"Three of them, each more annoying then the last" she whines. I giggle.

"Time to go girls" Mrs Aster tells us. I hug my family good bye. Before leaving with Ginny and her mum. When reach her house I'm introduced to her dad and three brothers. We then went to her room for some girl time. Doing normal girl things.

When Ginny fell asleep. I sit on her window seat watching the world go by. Read some of her books. Whenever I heard someone near they door I returned to her side and pretended to sleep. Before returning to the window seat.

The next morning dad picked me up as planned. "We didn't kill her, but she won't be around for awhile" he tells me.

"Something else happened? What is it?" I ask him worried.

"Emmet had a run in with Paul, but everything is fine" he assures me. "But I think he'll need a hug from his little sister" he tells me. I smile and when we get home. I give Emmet a big bear hug. We then played video games with Jasper. Until mum made us do our homework.

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