Forks Washington

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(2005, Forks) Danielle's POV

I arrive in Forks and honestly I like it, so far. I think I'll stay a few years, but for that I'll need a parent. So I sit alone on a bench in the park waiting for someone to come up to me. It'd been nearly a hundred years since I was turned. I've had many families over the century, but the last decade I've been exploring the world alone.

I've learned a lot about the world. Also about the supernatural. Like there are other vampires and a head coven that enforces vampire laws. Two of which I know. Vampires have to remain a secret from humans and immortal children are illegal. So I've avoided vampires and if I run into one, I compel them to forget me.

I'd also learned that werewolves and shape shifters exist. Both are enemies of vampires, so I've avoided them also. I know that's a shifter pack on La Push. But I believe if I stay off their land, they won't disturb me.

Also vampires have mates or blood singers. I have not found mine. Honestly I doubt I ever will. Especially as I'm stuck as a nine year old girl.

Anyway I'm pulled from my thoughts by someone a approaching me. "Hey kiddo, are you ok?" he asks. I look up to see a police man with a moustache.

"I'm fine, who are you?" I ask him not removing my sunglasses. I couldn't be bothered putting my contacts on today, they irritate me.

"My name is Charlie Swan and I'm the chief of police. Where are your parents?" he asks me. I take off my glasses and look into his eyes compelling him.

"I am your long lost daughter from a one night stand, my mother died. She told me where to find you and you have agreed to raise me" I tell him.

"You're my daughter" he says smiling and hugs me. "What's your name?" he asks me.

"Danni" I tell him smiling as I put my glasses back on. "Can we go home? I'm cold" I lie.

"Of course, here" he says taking off his jacket and puts it around me. He leads me to his police cruiser. We get in and he starts to drive. "So how old are you?" he asks me.

"Seven" I lie hoping I can be here two-four years before I have to move on again.

"Well I'm sure you'll love it here and also you'll get to meet your half older sister" he tells me smiling. I frown in confusion. I did not know he had a child and it'd been years since I had a sibling. I always tried to be the only child.

"What's her name? What's she like? Do you think she'll like me?" I ask pretending to be excited. I'm a little excited.

"Her name if Isabella, but she prefers being called Bella. She's clumsy, but very kind. I'm sure she'll love you" he tells me smiling. We pull up outside a two story white house and he turns the car off. (I made the house bigger and it is white, not blue. It still only has one bathroom)

We get out of the car and he leads me inside

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We get out of the car and he leads me inside. "Bedrooms and bathroom are upstairs. Only have the one bathroom. Kitchen, lounge, laundry, dining room and my office are downstairs" he explains. "We'll decorate your room tomorrow" he adds.

"Can I have a TV and mini fridge in my room, please?" I ask him.

"Yes to the TV, but I don't know about the mini fridge" he tells me.

"Please?" I beg giving him a sweet smile.

"Ok, we'll choose them tomorrow" he tells me. "You can sleep in Bella's room tonight" he adds. I nod my head and he gives me a tour. "We'll have dinner at the diner" he tells me.

"That's fine" I tell him. "When does Bella arrive?" I ask him curious.

"Next week" he tells me smiling. "I'm so happy yo have both my girls under my roof" he states.

"I'm happy too, I finally have a dad and a new sister" I tell him smiling. He smiles back hugging me. "Dad is there a hospital in town?" I ask him.

"Yes, why?" he asks me concerned.

"Nothing, just curious" I tell him. I'll need to go to restock my blood supply. I always use blood bags or had someone put their blood in a cup. I have never bitten anyone. I get a dozen at a time and they last for twenty-four days. Before I have to restock, I only have two left.

We leave and go to the diner. A waitress named Cora approached us. "Evening Charlie, usual?" she asks him.

"Yes please" he tells her.

"Who's this little angel?" she asks smiling down at me.

"I'm Danni" I tell her smiling.

"She's my long lost daughter, she recently lost her mother. So now she lives with me" Charlie tells her.

"I didn't know you had another daughter" Cora says surprised.

"Mummy never told him or me. She only told me on her death bed giving me a letter and birth certificate for dad. It was so hard" I say pretending to tear up and Charlie pulls me into his arms stroking my hair gently.

"It's ok Danni, you won't be alone again" he assures me. "Would you like ice cream for dessert?" he asks me. I nod my head.

"Can I have chicken nuggets and chips with ketchup, please?" I ask Cora.

"Coming right up" Cora says smiling and leaves as I return to my seat. I may not need food, but I can't draw attention to myself. She soon returns with our orders and we eat. Afters she brought us a chocolate sundae to share. Charlie then took us home.

"So I'll enroll you at the elementary school and you'll start after Bella arrives. That way she can drive you to school and bring you home. As the high school and elementary school are next to each other" Charlie tells. I groan, I hate elementary school. I'm over a hundred years old. I've taken both high school and college courses online. But I have to go if I want to stay here.

"Sure thing dad" I tell him smiling. Just then a car pulls up outside. I look at it confused.

"That's my best mate Billy Black and his son Jacob, they're here to watch the game" Charlie explains.

"Oh, will they like me?" I ask him.

"I'm sure they will, wait here" he tells me. He goes outside to greet them and tells them about me. Before they all come inside.

"You sure she's yours Charlie? She's to beautiful to be your daughter" Jacob says and I giggle.

"Hello Danni, I'm Billy" the man in the wheelchair says.

"Hi" I say waving shyly.

"I'm Jacob, but you can call me Jake" Jacob tells me. I smile and he sits next to me. Charlie sits down also opening a beer along with Billy. Jake turns on the telly as the game starts. About half way through it I pretend to fall asleep leaning on Jake.

"She asleep?" Billy asks him quietly.

"Seems so" Jake tells him.

"Want me to take her upstairs?" Charlie asks him.

"No, I got it. Which is her room?" Jake asks him.

"She's sleeping in Bella's room tonight, first door on the left" Charlie tells him. Jake picks me up and takes me upstairs. He tucks me into bed wishing me a goodnight before leaving. Once he was gone I sit up and grab a book.

I was half way through when I hear the other two leave. So I hide the book and pretend to be asleep again. Charlie checked on my and kissed my forehead wishing me a good night. Before leaving and left the door open a crack. Once I was sure he was sleeping I go onto the roof and look up at the stars.


Picture above of the cover with Danielle as a vampire and picture on the external link of Charlie Swan.

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