Phantom and Night Chap 21

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Chapter 21

Harp's POV

"You got what you're looking for now, Harp."


Liam had his piercing red eyes glaring at King Casus. He was covered with black aura that was enough to scare some of his guards away even as a Canid they were mere guards that stand no chance to Liam's rage. Even I don't know if I can win against this brat.

I sighed as I bare my fangs and I glare at that stupid King that is smirking at us now. Guess, just coming by unannounced like this without a damn plan wont do good. We don't even have that stupid frozen heart. King Casus has it.

"You never fail to surprise me, kid." I said and kick one of his guards that dare touch me. The Canid flew off and hit the wall. He growled and shifted into a large Canid. It was growling at me but I just hissed at him and he didn't dare take a step closer to me. He knew I would rip his head off even as a giant mutt with wings.

"I will kill you." Liam spoke almost inaudible but we heard it. We felt it. The whole castle shook. I regain my balance but all the guards that had their swords pointed at us fell on their knees, some Canid stood still, of course they would but they couldn't attack us now. When even Liam's aura alone was stopping them. They knew this would not end well even if they win and capture us. Liam would definitely kill at least half of them if not all.

"I would like to see you try." King Casus stood like me, balancing on a shaking floor.

'Liam! They are too many, we can't risk this! We'll get nothing in return of our lives! Warren needs you!'

I send a telepathic message to Liam. I heard him hissed and he glared at me for a second.

'I'm not leaving without the frozen heart!'

His voice in my head made me dizzy beyond I can imagine. Even Liam's telepathic ability is elevated with rage.

'Casus, he has the heart. Get him and let's get out of here!'

Though we both know Casus won't go without a fight. I saw a flash of bright light and the next thing I saw were growling white wolves, no.. Canids. Their wings folded behind their backs as they bare their teeth at us preparing to attack but Liam's faster. I smirked when I saw two Canids pounce at me. I bared my teeth and my fangs protruded, slick with my venom. I grab both it's neck, spinning on my heel fast then threw one over a wall, biting the other one on the neck. Injecting venom in its veins. It fell shaking and whimpering on the floor. I smirk at Casus who eyed his men.

"I told you, you're digging your own people's graves, Casus! Just give us the heart!"

"We are not that weak!"

"To Liam, You are." I cock my head to Liam who is standing in the middle of the room. Surrounded by bleeding and whimpering white mutts.

"His venom is stronger than mine.." I deadpanned. "..want to try it out, your highness?"

"You can't kill all my men that easily!" He hissed. Of course we can't. Canid's won't die that easily. Our venom can only give us few minutes. Canid's have great healing abilities far more than us. They are stronger than wolves and vampires but me and Liam are exceptions.

"I killed them. They won't heal back." I snap my head towards Liam.


Casus checked his men around Liam. They were not moving anymore. What did Liam do? How.. Was he that furious? Fuck, this won't end nicely then.

"Let's just go Casus!" I almost missed it. Something blurred passed me now Liam's gripping Casus' neck. Casus was slam back on a wall hard, I even heard some of his bones crack.

Phantom and Night (A Vampire Story: bxb)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now