Phantom and Night Chap 25

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Ardent's POV

That fucking Casus! He did this.

"Harp." I turn to Harp and he nod. My son.. He was crying as well. I hate it. I never want to see him hurt. Harp took my shaking fist in his hand.

"Come." He forced my clench fist to relax so he can entwine our fingers. Tsk.

"Stop scowling. Come on. Warren can handle Liam alone." He drag me out with my eyes still on Warren's tear stained face.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a--"

"Then let's go." He drag me again.

"Stop dragging me! Let me go! Tsk!" This idiot! I narrowed my red eyes at him and he hissed.

"Ow!" We stopped walking. I just burned his hand but he still didn't let me go. His wound healed fast anyway. I glared at him and then his hand.

"Ouch!" He winced. I burn his hand again but he just stubbornly held it tightly. I growled at him and started pulling my hand off but still he didn't let go.

"Stop. What the fuck is your problem? You have a bad mood all day!"

"Who do you think is the cause! Fucking idiot. It's because you took that Casus here!" He smirked and I didn't like it one bit.

"If we didn't take him then Warren will stay a toddler forever." I shut my mouth at that. "Or.. Was it because you're jealous?" He arch his brows and I didn't need a second to think, I punched him square to the face.

"Ahh!" Yeah..there you go. Squirm in pain asshole. I narrowed my eyes at him and walk away, brushing my hair away from my shoulder.


"Ardent! Tsk." I know he followed me. Even though Casus is guarded and locked up, he is still a Canid King. He is a match to even my abilities but when it comes with my son, I can definitely kill him with my hands behind my back.

"Hello there, Ardent Phantom." He deadpan. With both our clans reputations it is very much similar. Cold blooded. Hard to predict our emotions. Powerful. But the difference here is that there are only a handful of them. They kill for additional family. Number is very important to us. The bigger your clan, the powerful you are. Though that is hard to do considering mates don't exist. Except the goofball, dick I am mated with and Liam with my son.

"Break the spell." He smirked and I cross my arms, pointing my chin at him. He sat still as he quietly sip his tea.

"What spell?"

"Alright-alright." I sat on a chair infront of him. He looked at home. I'd like to pour that hot tea on his face. Tsk.

"Let's talk about my son then." He place his cup down and finally regard what I am saying. Harp stood behind me, without a word.

"Hurting Liam hurts him as well." He kept his eyecontact. He's brave ro challenge me. I smirked.

"He's our queen--" he blinked and already I have his hair on my hand, gripping it. He just mirrored my expression and stayed still. Smart.

"If you want your clan to continue living in peace, I suggest for you to stop dragging my son into this. Liam already promised to cooperate with you. The judgement of the head has nothing to do with my son!" My blood was boiling and I already want to tear his head off right there and then but Harp pulled me away from him.

"Tell you what Casus. Mates will continue to exist because of Liam and Warren. Me and Ardent are living proof. We will help you and your clan just like Liam said but with what you did to him, I can't promise you he still had the same idea." Harp said. His voice sounded cold and I knew he feel as furious as me.

Phantom and Night (A Vampire Story: bxb)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now