How to type faster

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Whether it's typing a book, an essay, or trying to follow your professor as he's talking, here are some tips that will make you type like a pro!

1. Stop telling yourself it's impossible.

This is number one because failure or success starts in the mind. As long as you think you can do it, you can do it! And that's not me trying to be motivational.

2. Find a website that'll teach you how to type without looking at the keyboard.

When I was in high school, taking a typing test was compulsory if you wanted to graduate. I joined the school in 10th grade and only found out at the end of 11th grade, needless to say, I was irritated. How is this stupid test going to help me in life, I wondered. Well, I take that statement back, it's one of the best lessons out there, and there are also so many fun games that you can use to practice.

3. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Yes, we've all heard the phrase 'practice makes perfect', but like my statement in tip 1, this isn't something to just motivate you, it's science! The more you do something (intentionally trying to improve), the better you'll become.

Once you've gotten the hang of it, you won't be clacking away at the keyboard like the sloth in Zootopia, you'll be typing so fast that people would be looking over to see if you're typing nonsense. And with this skill, you'll be able to write your book in record time (as long as you know what you want to write), following along with someone's talking won't be as hard as you initially thought, and ultimately, you'll be proud of your accomplishment.

So grab anything that has a laptop-style keyboard and get to typing!

See you on the other side of greatness,


P.S. I don't know which website you're going to use and I don't have one to recommend because my school used an app. But in case the website you use doesn't tell you, or the keypad/keyboard you use doesn't have the little notches on letters 'f' and 'j', your index fingers are meant to rest on the letters 'f' and 'j'. The little notches (on most keyboards) are there to guide you back to home base, that's always your starting and resting points.

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