Tips for Studying for Tests

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Tests aren't always the easiest to study for, especially if you don't have the right resources to study with, which a lot of people don't. Of course you should take notes in class and listen, but sometimes that's not enough. I've struggled with finding good ways to study for tests myself, but I've found a few methods that help me prepare for a test even without any extra material from my classes, and I figured I would share some with you all.

- Google your textbook.

A lot of textbooks will have sites with extra resources and practice materials for you to study with. If your class uses a textbook, try googling the name of your book to see if they have any online resources! This is probably the best way to do extra studying and practices because the resources you find will likely be matched to your curriculum.

- Make flashcards.

This is a great way to actively study when you only have notes and no external resources. You can make flashcards out of index cards, sticky notes, paper, or even on some online sites! Flashcards will help you memorize information much better than if you were to just read through your notes or your book.

- Talk to your instructor.

Chances are, your instructor will be more than happy to answer your questions and help you find ways to study. Remember, they're on your side! They might be the one assigning you tests and endless amounts of projects, but they want you to pass their class almost as much as you want yourself to.

- Go through your textbook.

This isn't for everyone, but in some classes a teacher's talking is more relied on than words in a textbook. If this is true for you, try giving your textbook a chance. No doubt there are many wasted practice pages and lots of extra information.

- Make a practice test for yourself.

In my opinion, practice is the most important part of studying for a test, and sure, answering questions and testing yourself with flashcards is effective, but what better way to practice for a test than to do a full practice test? To get the best results out of a practice test, I suggest setting up your environment as close as possible to what it will be like during your actual test and timing yourself to get through it quickly!

- Google!

I use this as a last resort, but if you can't find any other materials, you can always google the topic you're trying to study. Don't trust everything on the internet, though! Most people will suggest that you avoid Wikipedia as well, but if you go down to look at the sources linked on Wikipedia pages, you can find great pages that are more trustworthy than Wikipedia itself.

And that's it! I hope some of these tips helped you study for your next test! If you have any other methods that work for you, feel free to comment them to help others. And of course, 

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