Community College

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Ladies! Community College is always an option if you don't want to leave home to go to a 4 year university. You will be in your environment and not having to adjust. It will be like high school again except more work. There are some degrees you can't get at a community college so be sure you checkout their Programs Of Study and what it takes to achieve your degree.

In a lot of situations for a specific degree you may have to do 2 years at a community college then 2 or 4 years at a university. Community College doesn't have it all. Don't panic you will know about going to a university later on as soon as you enroll for your classes so you will have time to prepare. In the mean time while college stuff goes on sale buy a little bit at a time and pick up a thing or 2 until it's time to go to university so you won't be scrambling at the last minute to get it all together, you will already have it and may have saved some money.

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