Boarding School

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Hello everyone, it's AN-Abayie here! I hope you're all doing well. Today, I'll be talking about boarding school, what to expect, survival and everything I know from experience.
Feel free to ask questions in the comment section, I'll answer them as soon as possible.

A boarding school is an institution where students spend their entire time on campus, except for their vacation.
While there are options for "troubled youth," the majority of boarding schools today appeal to students and families who want the best possible education.
There are different types of boarding schools but the most common ones are the single-sex and mixed schools.

Here's what to expect in a boarding school:

•There's a very slight difference between your life at school and your life at home. In other words, things are done a bit differently in boarding schools. For example, the time at which you do certain things.

•Most boarding schools are ethnically and racially diverse. You meet new people every day so try and make good friends. And also be kind to everyone.

•Some people try to make your life miserable. It can be through bullying, which is mostly done by seniors but a lot of schools have a strict no-bullying policy so you can report whoever is making you feel uncomfortable to the authorities. And please don't bully anyone either, you never know how the person feels.

•Expect drama. Drama isn't your friend so stay away from her.

•Also expect f-boys if you're in a mixed school. Try to stay away from them if you want peace.

•There are a lot of rules.

•Some schools have Saturday classes.

•They are visiting days, where your family visits you and brings you stuff. 

•You're given assignments, homework, project works, group works, and even presentations.

•Some teachers live in bungalows on the school premises, others don't.

•Also school food is different from home food.

It's easy to make it out of boarding school with a good reputation and also easy to make it out with a bad one.

Here's how to survive boarding school.

•Stay focused.

•Don't compare yourself to others.

•Avoid procrastination.

•Ask for help when you're in need.

•Be confident.

•Stay calm and unbothered.

•Authenticity over popularity.

•Attend school events.

•Do not be afraid.

•Try your best.

•Exams aren't as scary as you think. Study!

•No drama.

•Don't change for someone. Be you.

•Make good friends.

•Do your assignments.

•Be punctual. Manage your time.

•Stay healthy. Avoid over and under-eating.

•Don't expect too much from your friends. You'll be disappointed.

•Be open-minded.

•Obey all rules.

•Learn to manage homesickness.


Since you'll be staying away from home, pack the things you need most. Make sure these things are approved of by the school.

These are the few things to include on your pack list:

•Reading materials, stationery and a calculator.

•Clothes hangers. I recommend the silver ones, they last longer than the plastic ones.

•Laundry bag, sewing kit and laundry detergent.

•Nylon mesh bag. For carrying everything to the bathroom.


•A comfy blanket, socks, and a plain-coloured sweater or cardigan. 

•Sanitary products or toiletries. That is; soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towels, hairbrush, comb, lip balm, etc.

•A bowl, cup, water bottle, napkins and cutlery set. Do not share with others.

•A pair of flip-flops for visiting the bathroom.

•Alarm clock, flashlight and batteries.

•Pillow, pillowcases and bedsheets.

•An umbrella or waterproof jacket. 

•Small schoolbag.


•Dishwashing liquid and sponge.

•Snacks. Take as many as you want. Don't eat them all at a go, for example, when you're craving for them. Only eat when you're hungry. Save some for the future.

•Portable first-aid kit and necessary medications.

•Clothes; underwear, nightgowns, pyjamas and shoes.

The school provides a list of things to brings but these are the very few you need.

•What to expect on your first day of boarding school.

Be prepared for a whirlwind of emotions on the first day of boarding school. It will be a lot of goodbyes and adjusting to a new environment. Everyone’s new to the area, scared and worried about making friends.

You will usually unpack a little on this day and spend time wandering the campus.

The first two weeks will be really hard and suck for the most part. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel like you fit in right away — it will take a little bit of time for you to feel at home.

Boarding high schools can be really beneficial if you make the most of your experience and living away from home will help you gain independence outside of your family. Try to go to all of the activities on campus and take advantage of the extracurricular clubs available to students. This will make your overall experience more enjoyable. 

In all; study, make friends, make memories, avoid drama, stay healthy, pray and have fun!

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