Tips for dealing with bad grades

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As the saying goes, bad grades do not define you. But yet, grades can be very important in life as you grow older. The reality of getting a bad grade would be daunting for any student. You will feel pressured, disappointed and anxious.

The first thing to do is calm down. Panicking will only make things worse. Do what you love the most and try to distract yourself from over thinking. In my case, I would read some Wattpad stories and listen to positive music. It varies from different people, so take your time to find a good hobby.

Once you finally accepted your grades and stopped panicking, start identifying the errors you've made. Did you make careless mistakes? Do you need help with time management or study skills? Were you under prepared? If you have no idea where to start, ask your teacher for advice. I'm sure they will be happy to lend a hand.

After identifying your errors, start working on them. Revise over and over again until you are familiar with the questions. Find tutors or efficient study groups. I would also advise you to watch tutorials on YouTube, they can be very helpful and convenient.

Last but not least, do not give up. Giving up will only slow you down. Keep working hard and one day, you will receive flying colors in your exams.


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