What we are privileged to be a part of is a new dawn of the Magdalene Age. Her voice has been long suppressed, but this avatar of the Goddess, this sacred vessel of Wisdom, Sophia enfleshed, calls to us compassionately. These are difficult times. There are no quick fixes. But what I do believe sincerely is that this Magdalene age in which the awakening to Sophia is increasing, is  the age which can save our world from its current crises of social and climactic dissolution. With the realisation of her compassion and empathy and connection with the All, the Absolute, the human race can not only survive these times, but change the destructive course upon which it is heading, and due to which we have arrived at this point.

The core problem must be dealt with to achieve this. That core problem is ignorance. Without Sophia Wisdom, we are just whirling specks of matter spinning out of control through time and space. Without Wisdom, our attempts to steer our own course only lead us deeper into hindrance, hatred, fear, and dissatisfaction. But in Sophia, and with the realisation of Her essence as our own true being, we can awaken to the unity of all things, and truly know that to harm another is to harm oneself. To realise Sophia is to realise the Light to which She points us, a Light that can illuminate the whole of humankind, and baptise it with a baptism of fervent love for all things.

In the parable of the  marriage supper told by Jesus, the command is given to invite all from the streets to attend. No conditions set, no mention of attendance according to social status or race. The invitation is simply extended and all may come. That invitation remains extant but the trouble is it has been interpreted by some in such a way that it is exclusive not inclusive. You may come, but.... You may come if.... But the invitation was never dependent upon anything: not race, gender, social standing or religion.

It is this Magdalene Age that will get back to announcing the original invitation. Wisdom shall realise Unconditional Love in the hearts and minds of all who have ears to hear. And the end is healing for a broken and divided world.

Sophia Eleison!
Christ Eleison!
And Glory be to the Magdalene!

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