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Wisdom ever was, and Love Her Spouse emerged ever-unborn  from Her as Her eternal Consort; these two in turn the eternal children of that which is beyond names, and which is spoken of as the First Mystery. And from their union sprang the aeons and emanations, heavens and worlds in their places. But where Wisdom and Love are, so must there of necessity be birthed folly and anger. For such is the balance of things. And folly and anger in turn gave birth to the material world and all that it contains, believing themselves wise and loving yet thinking that a universe of atoms susceptible to time and decay could last for ever. But folly and ignorance themselves are but instruments of True Wisdom and Love, through which they demonstrate their majesty, and by which the hopelessness of matter is exemplified in the eyes of all aeons and archons, to the eternal glory of the First Mystery.

Sophia Eleison
Christ Eleison
And Glory be to the Magdalene

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