Jesus spoke about the necessity of breaking his body for the sake of his disciples. This was interpreted as being indicative of some penal substitutionary sacrifice, the offering of flesh to an angry God, to placate his wrath. But the sacrifice was not one of a necessary satisfaction, but of expedient revelation. When a vessel is broken, whatever it contains is released. The contents flow out, and are revealed. By permitting the dissolution of the material form, the man Jesus revealed the Inner Christ-Light that it housed. In so doing, he exposed the folly of imagining the material realm to be of any ultimate worth ,and by contrast showed the richness and power of the  spiritual realm as the only true reality.

This is my body which is broken for you. This is my body which shall be shattered like a pitcher and that you may see my heart, my essence, and know that this is your own essence also. That you may consider the body as nothing and see through its trickery that binds you to your purely material desires. By breaking my body, I shall break these chains of yours and free your minds to see the riches of the kingdom of heaven that do not rust or corrupt.

Sophia Eleison,
Christ Eleison,
And Glory be to the Magdalene

Reflections of Brother EulogiusWhere stories live. Discover now