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The biggest surprise for me has been the way that Sophia through the Magdalene has made Christ 'real'. Not the Christ of my fundamentalist upbringing, the Christ of damnation and spiritual distance, but the Christ I could never have believed existed. The True Christ of unconditional compassion, acceptance, inclusivity, and all-embracing Light.

But I should not really be surprised. For it is Wisdom's job to reveal the Light. We have had a form of Wisdom the past couple of millennia, but a Wisdom according to ego and agenda, and political expediency. Sophia has been denied, rewritten, expunged from the narrative, leaving a major imbalance in our spiritual understanding that has swung the scales in favour of exclusion and division. Christ himself has been made the author of a message he never proclaimed, a message that has itself nailed untold millions to crosses of guilt and shame and judgement. Crosses they have been forced to carry their whole lives to Golgothas that never give way to
Resurrection morning. The end result has been only disillusion and discouragement at best, and the literal and irrepairable breaking of many a fragile soul at its worst.

But the Voice of the Magdalene speaks to us of another Jesus. The Jesus who came with arms wide open to embrace all beings regardless of man-made boundaries and prejudices. The Jesus who came to show us Wisdom, to release her from the prison in which men's egos had trapped her, and through which they had imposed their own wills upon her. The Jesus who set no preconditions for our liberation and did not condemn us for ignorance. The Jesus who died not as a bloody payment to satisfy an angry god, but who died to demonstrate that the material form has no hold over the true spiritual essence and through its dissolution and the dissolution of its craving and igorance lies our victory and liberation. The Jesus of Christus Victor.

This is Mary's message, the message of Wisdom realised in our own time. A message of reconciliation with the True Light and His Bride, a message of completion and oneness and universal love towards all creation.

Sophia Eleison
Christ Eleison
And Glory be to the Magdalene.

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