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God is love, but love isn't always God. Divine love is unconditional, not the maniacal faux compassion of the Old Testament demiurge, that burns those who do not kneel. Even the apostle Paul said that love doesn't seek its own, but is always giving.

It is this unconditional, sacrificial love till it hurts or even kills us that sets divine love apart. We all house this divine love. The kingdom is within, but it's obscured by our false ideas of what love is. That's why in the Gnostic texts we read of Jesus saying that it is necessary for him to rend himself asunder. He tore open his physical form, broke it to show us the love he contained and to open our eyes to the ultimate spiritual realm beyond matter. He gave till it hurt because the reward was our joy and liberation. A liberation not from divine wrath but from our own chains that bound us to the false promises of this material realm. God is love and we can realise the love that is God, born of the sacred union of Wisdom and the Light.

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