***Hymn to Christus Victor***
A Liturgical Devotion

Christus Victor,
Conqueror of the Aeons,
Prevailer over all the principalities and powers
That hold the world in thrall,
Eternal and Infinite Light of lights,
Compassion and Love embodied,
We honour and adore You;
For in your grace and mercy
You have descended from Pleromic Bliss
To seek Your eternal and infinite Sophia,
Who, perverted by the wisdom of archons and men,
Cried out to you to be remembered;
And you did not forget, O Christ,
And at the bidding of that Nameless and Uncaused First Mystery,
You fused your essence with the Nazarene,
Becoming in Him One Mind and Heart,
And in your Great and Unwavering Compassion
Went forth proclaiming Wisdom to all,
That they might recognise Her Voice in you,
And through your words realise the Way born of Light and Wisdom
That alone leads to Knowledge of the All in all;
But the powers of ignorance and self-will railed against you, Prince of Peace,
And through their influence, those who did not know what they were doing
Seized and condemned your body of flesh;
Yet through the most Perfect Wisdom
You considered the material form as nothing
And yielded it to its fate,
That through the death of the man Jesus,
Christ the Eternal Spirit might be revealed and known,
Teaching us that the body profits little,
And life alone is in the realm of the spirit;
And though the powers and dominions rent your body,
Yet Christ shone radiantly beyond its dissolution
And made the material body the servant of the spiritual,
That the Inner Perfect Man might shine forth ever,
And the outer man be as nothing.
For such was your rising, Christ All-conquering,
Making an open show of your power
Over the dominions of Archons and Man,
Casting off their material chains
And blazing forth in Immaterial Glory!
And in this resurrection power
The deliverance of Sophia was fulfilled;
For the wisdom of men was found wanting
To comprehend your purpose,
A holy task that testified to a more Perfect Wisdom,
Through which victory was won and established.
And Sophia Ever-wise glorified and honoured
Through your conquest for ever and ever!

Sophia Eleison
Christ Eleison
And Glory be to the Magdalene

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