Chapter 49 - Surprises

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Isabella Clark

I drove back to home and let Eillisha run into the house while I'm walking behind her with a head full of thoughts. What just happened? I just met Alex and he said that he quits from his job? I cannot believe I didn't know that this things is coming, he shouldn't quit because of me.

Or am I just too selfish? All I think is only about myself, I care about my career too much then I forgot that he was also loosing his career because of me?

My mind is still so full of thoughts but I try my best to hide it, I just don't want my mom to get worry when she knows that I met Alex today. He said that the killer is still out there, it freaks me out.

After dinner I got into my room and lay on my bed. I stare at the white ceiling on top of me, what should I do now. I really want to get back to my job as a model but Kelsie been canceling my upcoming job because of this problem. But what else going to make me forgot beside making myself busy?

The room was full of silent until my phone buzzed, I reach it from the night stand next to my bed. I look at the notifications from my phone screen,

Unknown :
Hey, have you save my number?

I look at it and with a second I know it must be Alex,

I really want to ignore it but, my life is so messed up right now. My head is full of question mark in it.

Isabella Clark :
You shouldn't meet me until they found the killer Alex.

Unknown :
I'm not meeting you, I'm texting you.

He replied so fast but then I lock my phone before throw it away from me. A minute later I heard a knock on the door then Eillisha and my mom got in.

"Hey," I said before getting up from my bed to let them in.

I watch Eillisha crawls onto the bed then my mom sit behind her, they look so excited like they're about telling me a good news.

"So..," my mom said.

"Eillisha really likes horses," she said.

"And She's going to ride a horse tomorrow do you want to come with us?" My mom asked me then I can say no when I look into Eillisha's excited face.

"Of course," I said.

Eillisha is so happy then she hugs me with her tiny little arms. I am surprised cause I've never imagine that a half sister like her would hug me like this.

"I love you," she said.

I stay in a silent after I heard what she said to me, she loves me?

"I love you too," I said.


I can see a smile on Ellisha's face when she put on her boots and her hats on. She looks so excited to ride a horse, this is her first time.

"Do you want to ride a horse too Bell?" My mom asked me while we're looking at Eillisha.

"No thanks mom," I laugh.

"She's so brave," I said.

"When I was a girl like her I'm afraid of so many things," I laugh.

"No you didn't," my mom smiles.

"You were so brave, you never cry when I brought to the doctor, you never scared of any injections," she said then I smile.

"But I'm scared to ride a go kart with dad," I said.

"You were scared at first but then you just drove it, you were good," she said then we laugh.

"Listen Bell, you might not have a beautiful childhood memories with us," she said.

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