Chapter 18 - The Show

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Isabella Clark

I let out a sigh after reading my schedule on my laptop screen, i was sitting in the living room with Alex sitting on the other couch. He was eating his breakfast while my food was still laying on the table,

"Why?" He asked me.

"My schedule, it is so rough" i said while scrolling through it.

"How?" He asked me.

"Have to fly to Paris two days after i got back home, staying there for 3 days then have to fly to Malibu for a photoshoot then London" i said before closing my laptop then put it on the table.

"Go eat your break fast" he said.

"Guess I'm not going to see you too then" he said.

"Next week i have a business trip to Seattle" he said.

"V exhausted" i said before grabbing on my plate, i started to eat my breakfast.

"Diet probably start next week" i said to Alex.

"Model" he laughed.

"What are we going to do today today is our last day in here" he said.

"We've gone everywhere" i said.

"Lets just spending our time at the beach" i said.

I suddenly remembered how i love ocean so much while Anthony hates it, he didn't like being in a beach I didn't know why. So it was kinda hard to bring him to the beach, well now i can always go to the beach by myself without him.

"Sounds fun" he said.

"We can always go to the pool too, it has a really nice view" he said.


We walked out of the lobby with our belongings and our swimsuits, it was a sunny day that the sun burning on my skin once we got out. Alex was wearing a shirt and a short while i was also wearing a white shirt and a short. His hand was holding on mine while he was the one who lead the way. Some of the people around noticed that it was us, i could tell by their stares when we walked out of the lobby.

But then just like we predicted they were always there, the paparazzi they were clicking on their cameras from a far. Well it was our plan to get their attention though, so i had to accept it.

"Our relationship is only on camera which means I'm going to be extra followed by them for the next 2 years of my life" I mumbled.

"Sorry, i hate it too" he said.

We got into the beach then put our belongings on the beach bench, he took off his shirt so am i. I was wearing a black bikinis that I brought from home, it was one of the last bikini that I brought.

"Model model" he teased once i took of my cover.

"Shut up" i laughed.

"I'm going to stay here and you can do whatever you want" i said before taking a sunblock from my bag.

"Of course I'm going to be with you" he said.

I started to put on the sunblock on my skin until he grabbed the bottle to put it on my back, i smiled cause i knew he was only pretending because there were so many cameras on us.

"Good show Adams" i said to him.

"Maybe this is going to be the last time ever they took our picture here" he said.

"We're going to make the show as good as possible" i said.

"Of course" he said.

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